A-B Honor Roll 1 st trimester Honor Roll, 9 th grade: Michael Baker Aaron Barnett Emerson Baumgardner Camron Benson Katlynd Brockman Kirsten Brown Kimberly.


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Presentation transcript:

A-B Honor Roll 1 st trimester Honor Roll, 9 th grade: Michael Baker Aaron Barnett Emerson Baumgardner Camron Benson Katlynd Brockman Kirsten Brown Kimberly Davis Anthony Fawns Madison Fields Sarah Hammons Tara Hatfield Shawn Johnson Antonio Martin Michael Martinez Tyreke Padgett Elijah Parker Arissa Peace Lauryn Raymer Brianna Reed Jacob Roy Hannah Scalf Madison Shaw Mykah Slawnyk Julianna Steffen Jessica Sullivan Olivia Thomas Tapanga Thomas Callina Tuttle Justin Wade Emily Wichmann Brooke Williams Jashaun York Congratulations to the following students

A-B Honor Roll 1 st trimester Honor Roll, 10 th grade: Michele Adams Samuel Barrow Adaline Barry Chase Baumgardner Allie Bishop Hunter Garrigus Erin Glynn Abby Hillmann Ronald Hodge Michael Klein Geralyn Ledet DaShon Lunsford Jessica Martin Bethany Mayer Elizabeth Merrifield Jenna Miles Rebecca Nienaber Angelica Paden Brianna Parsons Stephanie Ross Sierra Sand Isabell Slater Maranda Vice Landon Webb Ashley White Veronica White Congratulations to the following students

A-B Honor Roll 1 st trimester Honor Roll, 11 th grade: Congratulations to the following students KyleKleier BrandonKuderer JustinLehkamp AmberLetsche BrandonMartinez MadisonMeyer JonathanMullins SpencerPeace EmilyRiggs ChanceRothfuss HaleeSmith MakennaTheissen BrandonTreadway BrandiTrenkamp GageWayman BethanyWentworth BrianWesselman JacquelineAuman MyrandaBaker KyleeBamforth ConnorBishop EmmaBooker KerryBrewer CaineCrowley HannahDavidson TylerDay AlexisDenny EmmaDonaldson StephanieFuller MilanGligorevic BaileyGraziani DaleHensley WilliamHurt CodyKledzik

A-B Honor Roll 1 st trimester Honor Roll, 12 th grade: Congratulations to the following students IanAdams JessicaAngel KeelyBailey KyleBeavin RebeccaCaldwell JoshuaCox AshleighFields SarahGurley AaronHegge DevinJones TiffanyJump BenjaminKistler GrantKuether CoreyMcNay DavidMoeykens NathanMullins ShelbyNeal JacobPerriman KatlinSandfoss AmandaSchlueter IsaacStephens AngelThomas CoriTomlin SommerVarie NicholasWolff JeremyWood

A-B Honor Roll 2 nd trimester Honor Roll, 9 th grade: Congratulations to the following students ImmanuelAllen LaurenBeck AmandaConnell JoshuaElders MadisonFaselt JamesFlynn JacobHall BradyJohnson JacobJohnson JersiMianowski ElizabethMiller MalloryMitchell LaurenMoore CourtneySeaton MadisonSpivey HannahSteinfort JonathanTrenkamp GageTucker KelseyWeber

A-B Honor Roll 2 nd trimester Honor Roll, 10 th grade: Congratulations to the following students MorganBerning EricaBoggs AngelicaBurke RebeccaCherry JoshuaClephane VictoriaDant KatelynDeatherage MikailaErion SarahFarrell BriannaFryman BrianaGoines TreyHicks KirstenNapier DamonNolan PaigeRansom DanielleRitter AshleySeaton CharlesSeay AustinStevens MorganSweeney NathanToy

A-B Honor Roll 2 nd trimester Honor Roll, 11 th grade: Congratulations to the following students ElizabethBauman ElizabethCarter SamanthaClark RachelColeman BrittanyElswick AutumnFerguson JustinFlynn EthanFrank JodyGregory JustinHungler EriccaJett ErynJohns PaigeJohnson StephenKiehborth NicholasKlette JessicaLunsford KatherineMoeykens JohnNuestro BillieParrett ChancePatterson KendallPickens DavidRuckel RebeccaSeiter ZacharyTichenor LukeTreadway RonaldWittich

A-B Honor Roll 2 nd trimester Honor Roll, 12 th grade: Congratulations to the following students BobieBramlage RobbieBrockman KameronCrim RoyDavis HannahDixon BenjaminEdwards StephenGarrison KeeganHanrahan HaleyHart KaitlinLiggett LizzieNeace TravisPrice HannahPruett HannahRalston AshleyReece ChristopherRoberts HannahTheissen

A-B Honor Roll 1 st & 2 nd trimester Honor Roll, 9 th grade: Congratulations to the following students MatthewAdams AbileenBeiting BrandonBingaman RyanBowers AndrewDixon CharlesDodson NeilDumlao KaitlinForeman IsabelleGrantham AlyssaHarris MaddisonHartman GarrettHughes AbbigailIrwin DucLe AlyssaLittle AnyaMaines SamanthaMeece RylandMonhollen CaitlinMoore AlexMorgan EmilyMorrow MadisonNinos JacobPusateri SydneyRice ZacharyRider IsaacRobinson CollinScott LenayaSharp MackenzieSmith SamanthaSmith IsaiahSnapp ZionSosa BriannaStevers MichaelaSturgeon Patrick ErinTalley MarissaToschlog MarissaWhitney MakelaWilliams SerenaWilson RyanWolf

A-B Honor Roll 1 st & 2 nd trimester Honor Roll, 10 th grade: Congratulations to the following students LindsayAllen AaronBaker KaileeBartel ConnorBarth AshleyClare MatthewDornbach JoshuaEllenberger KelseyElliott AlexanderFritz TaylorGoetz ErinJohnston JulieKnipp JenniferLikens BrookeMcHale PeytonMettens DevinMorgan DavidNoe DavidRemley NicholasRobb BethSchaefer ChristopherStoeckel HannahWalters KaitlinWessel JustinWetherell NolanWillett

A-B Honor Roll 1 st & 2 nd trimester Honor Roll, 11 th grade: Congratulations to the following students CaseyChild StaceyDedden ChadEapmon EmilyEvans MadalynEvans AlishaGraciano PaigeGundrum JeremyHarkenreader KatieHess JanzenHouchen Wilder BrentonHughes MakennaLee TaylorLeisring CarlMay ZacharyMehuron ChristopherMullins JohnOldiges BlakeSchneider BrendenSebree RyanSeeney CassidySmiley Roach KassandraSteffens JulliaStephenson SydneyTekulve KaylaTravillian GabrielleWillis

A-B Honor Roll 1 st & 2 nd trimester Honor Roll, 12 th grade: Congratulations to the following students AustinBaker AnthonyBerk EmilyBlack NicholasBrinkman SydneyBurris LauraButler TylerEisner KaylaFawns TrentFranxman LeeshaGriffin JeremyJackson ShawnKerr CameronKinney KaraKitts JordanKoenig JacobMillsap MonicaOrtwein JamesOsborne AmberRobinson MasonSexton ReedSpata JosephWest