Fraunhofer ISI Institute Systems and Innovation Research Trentino plus 10 Foresight Workshop July 2003 (Trento) Foresight Workshop Purpose, structure and intended results Dr. Kerstin Cuhls Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research
2 Fraunhofer ISI Institute Systems and Innovation Research Trentino plus 10 Foresight Workshop July 2003 (Trento) What is Foresight? Attempt to Look Systematically into the Future and Draw Conclusions for the Present. Is No Planning but a step in Planning. Technology Policy can be Based on it. Has an Influence on the Participants Themselves. Communications and Motivation Effect.
3 Fraunhofer ISI Institute Systems and Innovation Research Trentino plus 10 Foresight Workshop July 2003 (Trento) Purpose of the Workshop Develop a "Manifesto for the Innovation District Trentino" Work out the basis for the manifesto Think longer-term (until 2014) Develop joint ideas, "visions" Make the barriers on the way to the vision explicit Think about measures to be taken
4 Fraunhofer ISI Institute Systems and Innovation Research Trentino plus 10 Foresight Workshop July 2003 (Trento) Structure and Intended Results - Today Presentation of a first "vision" (Prof. Kuhlmann) 3 Vision teams: Resources, Governance, Business Attitudes Creative phase: gathering of ideas for new markets, trends, fields for Trentino.... Work out "shaping factors": What will be the crucial points for the district? Develop measures to be taken: What measures can be taken to prepare the district for the future challenges? Who could initiate the measures?
5 Fraunhofer ISI Institute Systems and Innovation Research Trentino plus 10 Foresight Workshop July 2003 (Trento) Structure and Intended Results - Tomorrow Rapporteurs present the results of the vision teams Presentation of examples from international cases Trentino plus 10: The vision of Trentino and its specialisation clusters in 10 years (final discussion) Outlook Required policy measures Relevant actors