CERN openlab Phase V Objectives CERN openlab Deputy Head 08/07/2014 Alberto Di Meglio.


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Presentation transcript:

CERN openlab Phase V Objectives CERN openlab Deputy Head 08/07/2014 Alberto Di Meglio


CERN openlab in a nutshell A science – industry partnership to drive R&D and innovation with over a decade of success Evaluate state-of-the-art technologies in a challenging environment and improve them Test in a research environment today what will be used in many business sectors tomorrow Train next generation of engineers/employees Disseminate results and outreach to new audiences CERN openlab - Phase V308/07/2014

The history of openlab I 2003 II 2006 III 2009 IV 2012 V 2015 CERN openlab - Phase V CERN openlab Board of Sponsor 2013 Set- up /07/20144

Development Cycle › The openlab activities resulting from the use cases should be practical and follow this sort of cycle › Commitment by CERN openlab sponsors to make projects happen and succeed Research needs push the limit Apply new techniques and technologies Joint development in rapid cycles Test prototypes in Research environment Produce advanced products and services Make it/break it Work together CERN openlab - Phase V508/07/2014

Intel and CERN openlab: a log-lasting collaboration Openlab I 2003 Openlab II 2006 Started long-lasting collaboration on compilers and key math functions benchmarking in simulation software (Geant 4) Openlab III 2009 Early tests of Atom CPUs for servers, now known as micro-servers First external partner to get access to Xeon Phi (collaboration still ongoing, from Larrabee to Knights Landing) Openlab IV 2012 Itanium-based Open Cluster. 10 GB link between CERN and Caltech, won the line speed record 2003, HP server, Intel NIC First clean 64bit Linux OS with CERN applications (Root, Geant 4) Systematic benchmarking of many Intel platforms (Westmere, Sandy Bridge and Ivy Bridge) Investigation of vectorization techniques to optimize physics software on multi-core Intel platforms 6CERN openlab - Phase V08/07/2014

A Solid Educational Program › At CERN  Regular workshops  Special workshops and lectures  Requirements workshops  Training courses on hardware platforms,  Parallel programming, etc. › Outside the lab:  CERN School of Computing in Nicosia (August 2013)  Thematic CSC in Split (June 2013) › ISEF Winners Program › Summer student program › The ICE-DIP project Programs is highly structured, with different tiers and specializations – students, young researchers, professional researchers and experts - including summer student lectures as well as numerous invited talks at CERN 7CERN openlab - Phase V08/07/2014

Started February 2013 Recruited 5 fellows Model can be extended next year to other areas (e.g. data analytics) Centre of Excellence? CERN openlab - Phase V08/07/20148

New Extended Scope › The existing partners of openlab phase 4 have requested to expand the scope of CERN openlab:  Closer interaction with the LHC experiments  Work across more CERN departments  Engage with other scientific disciplines  Enable more multi-partner collaborative work › Focus will remain on IT subjects CERN openlab - Phase V908/07/2014

Who we are involving New partners CERN openlab - Phase V08/07/201410

Information Technology Research Areas Alberto Di Meglio – CERN openlab Data acquisition and filteringComputing platforms, data analysis, simulationData storage and long-term data preservationCompute provisioning (cloud) Data analytics Networks

New professional profiles Alberto Di Meglio – CERN openlab Multicore CPU programming, graphical processors (GPU), multithreaded software Software & Computing Engineers Data analysis platforms, statistics, mathematics, data visualization, monitoring, security, etc. Data Scientists Applications of physics to medical research (hadron therapy, etc.), simulation software Multidisciplinary applications

CERN openlab Formal Agreements CERN openlab Framework Agreement Agreement signed by each sponsor (research lab, company, etc.) with CERN Project 1 Project Agreement Signed by all project participants Project N Project 2 CERN openlab - Phase V1308/07/2014

Management Structure Board of Sponsors (all sponsors represented) Mgmt team (Head, CTO, Comms, Admin) Project 1 (Project leader) Project 2 (Project leader) Project N (Project leader) CERN/IT Mgmt. (DHO, IT-EC Project Office, etc.), Legal, KT CERN Partner Contacts CERN openlab - Phase V1408/07/2014

Board of Sponsors › Highest level management body of CERN openlab › Includes representatives of all sponsor companies and research organisations/experiments › Annual Board of Sponsors meeting  Sponsors review CERN openlab activities and plans for the coming year CERN openlab - Phase V1508/07/2014

CERN openlab Mgmt Team › Head of CERN openlab (nominated by CERN DG) › Chief Technology Officer › Communications Officer › Administration Officer The management team will ensure an oversight and coordination of all the projects within CERN openlab and coordinate the dissemination activities The management team will also ensure a single liaison point exists with each partner research organisation and company and liaise with other IT Dep. Mgmt and other offices/services (e.g. the IT-EC Project Office, Legal Services, Knowledge Transfer, etc.) Interns may be included in the mgmt team to help with communication and administration, etc. CERN openlab - Phase V1608/07/2014

Projects The structure of phase V moves from competence centres to project focus Projects are independent from each other and have separate lifecycle and review processes Each project has  Clear objectives  Identified team and project leader  Set of resources committed by participating sponsors  Schedule with key milestones and deliverables  Project agreement (signed by all participating sponsors)  Annual internal project report (includes results achieved and resources consumed) There is a minimum size for a project to be eligible for inclusion in CERN openlab:  Minimum 2 participants and 1 year duration (smaller activities can be performed within the context of the framework agreement)  When a sponsor company provides a cash contribution to fund project effort at a research lab it will be in units of 12 person-months CERN openlab - Phase V1708/07/2014 Statement of Work

Project N Project Scheduling Projects have start/end dates with annual cycles Projects reviewed annually by participating sponsors Expect to plan projects during 2014 The number of one year projects will be limited due to the overhead of the preparation and management Project 1 Project CERN openlab - Phase V1808/07/2014

Annual CERN openlab Event › High-visibility public event to promote the activities and results of CERN openlab and its projects  Press will be invited and the event can be broadcast › Each sponsor will be allocated a number of seats according to their sponsorship level  Sponsors can invite their partners/customers within the limit of their allocated seats  Visits to CERN installations (LHC etc.) will be organised for participants CERN Capacity ~200 CERN openlab - Phase V1908/07/2014

External Funding › A number of projects coming out of this analysis may provide opportunities to submit proposals to competitive EC funding calls (Horizon 2020)  See › Any EC funds should be considered as additional funds to supplement commitments made by CERN openlab partners  A project will not be approved within the context of CERN openlab if EC funding is essential to its operation  EC projects can build on CERN openlab activities but must not delay, hinder or deviate such activities  Any EC project proposals that do build on CERN openlab activities should be made known to the CERN openlab project partners and CERN openlab management prior to submission CERN openlab - Phase V2008/07/2014

Contract timelines › Templates to be made available in July  Framework agreement  Project agreement  Statement of Work  Annual project report › Feedback on templates from sponsors by September › Signature process to start end Q3 and Q4 CERN openlab - Phase V2108/07/2014

CERN openlab Chief Technology Office Alberto Di Meglio, Sverre Jarp, Andrzej Nowak, Fons Rademakers, 08/07/2014CERN openlab - Phase V22