ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE The arts strengthen academic performance. Students who studied the arts outscored their non-arts peers by 59 points in the SAT verbal section and by 44 in math. The arts teach critical thinking, creative thinking, and problem solving skills.
HIGHER GPA’S There is a strong correlation between Arts study and overall grades, that art students’ overall grade pt. averages tend to be higher than their non-art peers. The Arts engage the student’s senses in learning: to look and listen more carefully.
COLLEGE PREP. The College Board indicates that the arts are among the six disciplines that should be considered “basic academic subjects” for college admission. Yale and more than 70% of major universities say special consideration is given to students who have mastered the high school arts in- depth.
H.S. GRADUATION REQUIREMENT Nearly every state has enacted high school graduation requirements that include the arts. Blue-ribbon task forces concluded that there is significant need for students to study the Arts in high school.
WE ARE HUMAN! The arts tell us what it means to be human. Science and technology do not. The ever-changing composition of American society makes the arts singly the most important tool to bridge cultural differences and to increase humanity, compassion, harmony and understanding.
DIVERGENT PROBLEM-SOLVING The Arts foster creative, skillful workers and innovative leaders. Knowledge and skills gained in the study of the Arts prepare them for successful careers in virtually every job or profession.
CATEGORIES OF ART PRODUCTION: The creation of an art project. APPRECIATION: The aesthetic and criticism aspect of art. ART HISTORY: Studying events in the past concerning art; a chronological order with analysis and explanation of the development of art.
THE PURPOSE OF ART To further one’s aesthetic growth and artistic talents. Build self-confidence, self-discovery, and self- respect. Communicate ideas and feelings. Increase perceptual/visual awareness. Understand values and feelings. Make individual choices/decisions.
To stimulate the imagination, humor, joy and curiosity. To aid in the selection and use of materials and resources. The purpose of art continued: