Inf. STI Country profile in Lao PDR Lao PDR – Thailand STI Cooperation Workshop Vientiane, Lao PDR 1-2 March 2012
Briefly Status on Science and Technology of Lao P.D.R Two main actors: 1. Governmental institutions, and 2. Business units (Industry).
1. Governmental institutions Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) / Provincial Department for Science and Technology (PDST); National Social Science Council; National Natural Science Council; Line Ministries (LM); Universities/Research Institutes.
(cont.) Inf. Establishing Process of the MoST NAST reformed and newly establishment organization of the Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST). MoST is an organ of governmental structure, and has a mandate of secretariat to the government in state science, technology, innovation, intellectual property, standardization and metrology development and management throughout the country which will be divided by three section’s following: four administrative section; five technical management section and three technical research and services section.
Structure of the Ministry Dept.InspectDept.InspectDept. Planning & Coop. Coop.Dept. Planning & Coop. Coop. Dept. of IT IT Cabinet of Ministry Ministry Cabinet of Ministry Ministry Dept. of Stan. & Measure Dept. of Stan. & Measure DeptPerson. & org. DeptPerson. Dept. of Science ScienceDept. Tech.& Inn Dept. Dept. of IP Dept. Administration Section Ministry of Science and Technology Ministry of Science and Technology Line Ministries/ Agencies Including Governance & Private Sectors Line Ministries/ Agencies Including Governance & Private Sectors Technical Management Section Bio-Tech & Ecological Research Int. Research Int. Bio-Tech & Ecological Research Int. Research Int. Non-Conventional Energy & New Material Inst Non-Conventional Energy & New Material Inst Tech. Comp. & Electronics Inst Tech. Comp. & Electronics Inst S&T Provincial Dept. Technical Research and Services Section NSCoffice NSCoffice
(cont.) (cont.) Provincial Department for S&T (PDST) PDST is a governmental institution at local level, acts as a secretary to provincial governor and a leader of MOST and directly manages on science, technology, intellectual property, standardization and metrology in the province. PDST is quite young, low capacities and limited budget. PDST’s activities have been carried out not strongly and actively yet.
(cont.) National Science Council (NSC) NSC is established in the year It is a technical institution. NSC’s main mandates are to provide advises on natural science research activities, to consider and certify results of research carried out in the country; NSC is operated, but still not strongly and actively yet.
(cont.) Line Ministries (LM) LM established institutes/centers/council relating to the research, development, application and management of science and technology for serving into their own activities; Many activities including pilot projects have been carried out by LM and some achievements are reached.
(cont.) Universities/Research Institutes Lao PDR has five universities, namely National University, Suphanouvong University in Luangprabang, Champasack and savannakhet and Vientiane Medical Health University National University is established for many years ago and produced a lot of scientists, technologists and researchers. For three universities are established not so long. They are still young and in the process of building and development of infrastructure including human resources.
(cont.) (cont.) 2. Business Units ◦ State Enterprises; ◦ Private Enterprises; ◦ Joint Enterprises; ◦ Collective Enterprises.
(cont.) Business units Most of business units are to apply rather than research and develop science and technology; Computer is a basic technology that most of business units are using; Modern technology that using and producing products mostly are imported; For business units that have low investment (SMEs) are still limited in applying science and modern technology.
Strengths Country has policies, regulations and laws concerning the management and promotion of STI; Lao PDR had focused on the establishment and improvement of organizational structure and development of capacity and skills of staff related to the management and promotion of STI; Many sectors have carried out and reached some achievement of activities concerning the research, development, management and promotion of STI.
Weaknesses Institutions responsible for the management and promotion of ST are limited in the aspects of experiences, skills and resources to undertake their tasks including external cooperation; Governmental policies and regulations and legislations on the management and promotion of STI are not strongly supported and implemented in society; Coordination mechanism among sectors including public and private (business units) is not well established and acted; Research activities have been carried out, but not met fully to the demand of society as well as the industrial development; Most of modern technologies using in the country are imported; Budget and funding to support the implementation of STI activities are limited; Linkages between university/research institutes and business units (industry) are still weak.
Opportunities STI issues are recognized as main factors in contributing to socio-economic development in the world as well as in the country; Growth of number of Lao staff and expansion of activities related to the management and promotion of ST in the country are increased continuously; Lao government strongly supports to cooperate with institutions and individuals both inside and outside the country.
Threats Knowledge and understanding of Lao society on role and importance of STI are limited; The quantity and quality of staff working and funding to support and promote STI activities are not sufficently.
Conclusions ST is the most important factor for social and economic development and for basic to strengthen the National Innovation Systems in the Country