The Hare Raising Experience of Logo in the Classroom Turtling Around The Hare Raising Experience of Logo in the Classroom Goal: Learn Logo Motivation: Reader’s Digest Version Go through Project Form
Turtling Around (Middle School) Leggo my Logo! Turtling Around (Middle School) Algorithmic Thinking and Programming free teacher resources MSWLogo from Logo program Presentation Software (Office) SKILLS: Using the Software CONCEPTS: Some type of advanced programming CAPABILITIES: Create a unique project.
Components of the Language Skills The use of the Logo language Components of the Language
Introducing Logo Vocabulary
Vocabulary Immediate mode Code Syntax Commands happen immediately on execute/enter Commands are lost when program is closed Code Instructions given Syntax Programming “grammar"
Vocabulary (con’t) Programming mode Procedure Instructions (code) put into a procedure Carried out when procedure is called Procedure A series of code used within LOGO that performs a single task
Introducing Logo The Commands
The Commands Forward n (fd n) Back n (bk n) Right n (rt n) Moves forward n steps Back n (bk n) Moves backward n steps Right n (rt n) Turns right n degrees Left n (lt n) Turns left n degrees Penup (pu) Lifts pen up Pendown (pd) Returns to draw mode Clearscreen (cs) Erases all & sends turtle to starting point Home Sends turtle to starting point
The Commands (con’t) Setheading n (seth n) Setxy x y Sets heading of turtle to n degrees Setxy x y Sets turtles x and y coordinates Setpencolor [r g b] (setpc [r b g]) Sets pen color Setscreencolor [r g b] (setsc [r b g]) Sets screen color Setfloodncolor [r g b] (setfc [r b g]) Sets flood color Fill Fills shape (turtle must be inside shape)
The Commands (con’t) Penup (pu) Pendown (pd) Penerase (pe) Lifts “pen” up Pendown (pd) Puts “pen” down to draw again Penerase (pe) Puts “pen” in erase mode Penpaint (ppt) Puts “pen” back in drawing mode Hideturtle (ht) Hides the turtle Showturtle (st) Shows turtle again
Procedures Start with Variable Code Finish with TO Goes on TO line Preceded by : Code Follows TO line If variables are used they must be preceded by : Finish with END
Algorithmic Thinking & Programming Concepts Draw a Picture -critical attributes: 2 colors, 10 steps, 10 different commands Initials project (picture) Maze Game -Navigate a course -Optimum route -Create a puzzle -Using skills such as procedures, looping, conditionals, variables. Algorithmic Thinking & Programming
Two Colors Ten Commands Example Assignments Draw a Picture Two Colors Ten Commands These are the critical elements of the assignment -cartoon figure is an example
Procedures Looping Conditionals Example Assignments Initials Procedures Looping Conditionals These are the critical elements of the assignment -cartoon figure is an example
Maze Golf Course Digestive System Tic-Tac-Toe Example Assignments Create a Puzzle Maze Golf Course Digestive System Tic-Tac-Toe Navigate Design Optimum course Practice Angles-
Capabilities Manage Complexity Test a Solution Collaborate Communication Abstraction MANAGE COMPLEXITY; original interactive program TEST A SOLUTION; debugging, troubleshooting, enhancements (better mousetrap) COLLABORATE: Create an object oriented program COMMUNICATION: -Teach what they learned -Teach another student to use Logo -Write about a real world application How Logo relates to other languages
Other Resources Logo lessons History of logo Logo for all Logo lessons More logo lessons