Liberals By Ashley, Lorraine and Sacha
The Liberals The Intelligentsia were the thinkers, writers and artists of the time. The Tsar believed them as his enemy, feared and hated them as they were a big threat.
Political ideas and programme Political ideas: They wanted to turn Russia into a monarchy more like Great Britain, a free society for all, and removal of corrupt police and officials. Political programme: To keep the Tsar, but limit his power by introducing a democratically elected parliament. Liberals wanted to replace autocracy with democracy In 1905, the Liberals formed two main political groups: The Kadet Party and the Octobrists, both of which were against the Tsar.
The Kadets One of the three main political groups who apposed the Tsar were The Kadets (the Constitutional Democrats) who were a middle class liberal party who wanted an elected monarchy. Their support was restricted to the small, well-educated and wealthy population of the towns. Their political program would attract the support of the peasants and the workers. They were divided between those who were loyal to the Tsar and those who thought Russia should become a republic.
The Octobrists The Octobrists wanted an elected president, parliament (Duma) and a constitution (set of rules defining the powers of government and the rights of individuals). Alexander Guchkov led the Octobrists. Alexander Guchkov The symbol of the Octobrists
Leaders, followers and individuals Leaders: Paul Milyukov, a University Lecturer, Victor Guchkov, a Moscow businessman and Alexander Guchkov leader of the Octobrists. Supporters: Mainly industrialists, merchants, intellectuals. Paul MilyukovAlexander Guchkov
The Progressive Block They were important in the Liberal Party, but they were not as influential as the other parties, The Kadets and the Octobrists.
Events The Kadets were founded in October 1905 by The Union Of Liberation and other Liberals. The Octobrists were founded in November after the October Manifesto in 1905 by Alexander Guchkov. The February Russian Revolution in 1917, which resulted in the abdication of Tsar Nicholas 2.
It’s quiz time! The Intelligentsia were artists, writers and…? What is the difference between the Octobrists and the Kadets? When were the Kadets founded? Who was against the Tsar? What did the symbol of the Octobrists look like? Who was one of the Octobrists leaders? Why did the Tsar hate the Liberals?