How to Help Suicidal Person. Sharia Cormier..3
Summary. There are many ways to help a suicidal person. On the other hand, there are many things listed not to do to them. Helping them and being there for them as much as you can will help tremendously.
Main Idea. The key concept, is the many different ways of How to Help a Suicidal Person.
Important Information. The number one DON’T you should never do to a suicidal person is dare them to go ahead and make the attempt of suicide. This relates to this class by not daring anyone to do something of this manner, because if they go through and actually do it you are at fault and then you feel guilty about what happened.
Story. Anthony has had a rough childhood of abuse. Once he arrived to middle school, he hated it. He couldn’t take all of the stress he had at home on top of the work at school aside from his everyday struggles. Anthony became so overwhelmed he decided to commit suicide. He thought about this and told his best friend, Jason, the next day before school. He handled it the best way possible, he listened to what Anthony had to say and told him how he will always be by his side incase he needed him for anything. Jason went out and got some professional help for his friend. Anthony visited his psychologist twice a week and got all of the help he needed to get through this situation. In the end, Anthony realized how off the wall, crazy he was for even thinking about this and didn’t do it after all.
Key Point. I feel that being there for the suicidal person as much as you can will help them out a lot. Remember to talk calmly, be patient with them. Also, never yell at them, be considerate towards them and listen to what they have to say.
Final Summary. How to help a suicidal person is about the DO’s and DONT’s of what to say, what to do, and how to say and do them. Remember to stay calm and keep things easy on them. Be understanding and listen to what they have to say. Avoid arguing with them about their situation and let them know how concerned you are as their friend.