SUICIDAL BEHAVIOR IN YOUNG PEOPLE David D Love, MFT Executive Director Valley Community Counseling Services
How Common Is Suicide Among High School Students? (CDC: 2007) 14.5% of students in grades 9-12 seriously considered suicide in the previous 12 months. 6.9% of students reported making at least one suicide attempt in the previous 12 months. Among 15 to 24 year olds suicide accounts for 12% of all deaths annually.
COMMONALITIES OF SUICIDE- Edwin Shneidman Ph.D. The common purpose of suicide is to seek a solution The common goal of suicide is cessation of consciousness The common stimulus of suicide is unbearable psychological pain The common stressor in suicide is frustrated psychological needs
SHNEIDMAN – cont. The common emotion in suicide is hopelessness – helplessness The common cognitive state in suicide is ambivalence The common action in suicide is escape The common interpersonal act in suicide is communication of intention
What Can We Do To Reduce The Possibility That A Young Person Will Commit Suicide? Allow young people to talk when they are feeling depressed or stressed out. If a young person talks about considering suicide encourage them to talk to someone who can help them. If a young person is considering suicide and refuses to talk tell a parent, school staff member or professional counselor so they can get help. Do not promise them to keep this a secret.
What Are Some Of The Warning Signs Of Potential Suicide? Talking about death, dying or suicide. Increased drug or alcohol use. Writing letters of goodbye. Giving away things they value to friends or family. Having a suicide plan. Beginning to engage in new high risk and/or reckless behaviors
How Can We Help Others Who Are Having Problems Dealing With A Friend Or Family Member’s Suicide? The most important thing you can do is LISTEN. Ask them HOW you can help and be willing to give them space if they ask for it. Avoid statements like “I know how you feel”, because you do NOT know.
How Can You Help-cont Use the name of the person who died. They are not a “he” or “she”. Be patient and let them tell you about their feelings and concerns as often as they have the need. Most importantly, remember you are a parent, family member or friend and not a therapist. If you become concerned about their safety, seek professional help.
Resources (American Association of Suicidology) (American Foundation for Suicide Prevention) (Survivors of Suicide)