How to Help a Suicidal Person? By: Andrew Vasquez Period: 2
Slide 2:Summary in my own Words This is about the Do’s and Don’ts when you are helping a suicidal person. You can never tell a suicidal person to commit suicide because they will think that no one cares about them. Always be as sensitive to a to a suicidal person as you can. Most important always try to help a suicidal person.
Slide 3:Main Idea The main idea of this section is the Do’s and Don’ts on how to help a suicidal person.
Slide 4: details Do’s: Trust your feelings if you believe the person may be suicidal Take seriously a suicidal person Tell the suicidal person how concerned you are & how much you care for him/her. Listen carefully to the suicidal person.
Slide 4 cont. Do’s cont. Find professional help for the suicidal person. Stay with the suicidal person until help arrives. Don’ts: Don't dare a suicidal person to commit suicide.
Slide 4 cont. Do not judge a suicidal person. Do not analyze the suicidal persons motive. Do not argue or try to convince the suicidal person of reasons why he/she should not attempt suicide. Do not keep the suicidal persons thoughts and actions a secret. Do not leave a suicidal person alone.
Slide 5:Life Story Once when I was in class the teacher was teaching us about suicide. She told a lot of things but the one that stuck out the most is the do’s and don’ts on how to help a suicidal person. After listening to that I started thinking of my friend Harold. Harold committed suicide 2 years ago. If I could go back in time listening to all the do’s and don'ts he would probably still be here this day.
Slide 6: My Feelings 2 This Subject I feel that this topic is important because it tells you how to deal with a suicidal persons feelings.
Slide 7: Summary The do’s and don’ts how to help a suicidal person. One example of do’s always take suicidal threats serious. An example of a don’t is never judge a suicidal person. I told you a story about little Harold. This topic is important because it tells you how to help a suicidal person.