Facts on Suicide
Teenage suicide is preventable Teenage suicide is preventable. When a person is depressed, they are NOT thinking, feeling, or acting the way they normally do. Get then help, get them back on track. Among young people aged 15-24 suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death, behind accidents and homicide. The number has tripled in recent years. Every day in the U.S. approximately 14 young people between the ages of 15-24 die at their own hands. That’s one every 1 hour and 40 minutes.
Myths of Suicide Teenagers who talk about attempting suicide are doing it for attention. All teenagers who are suicidal are depressed. Suicidal people really want to die, so there’s no way to stop them. Talking about suicide will cause a student to attempt suicide.
If a person really wants to kill him or herself, no one has the right to stop them. Once a person is suicidal, they’re suicidal forever. Improvement following a suicidal crisis means that the suicidal risk is over.
Students Who Are At Higher Risk! Teens who have attempted suicide previously, especially if problems and other recurring concerns were not completely resolved. Teens with little self-esteem Teens in trouble with the law Teens who suffer from depression Teens who have been abused or neglected Teens who abuse drugs and/or alcohol
Teens struggling with sexual orientation Teens who are in dysfunctional families Teens who fail in school-potential dropouts
Warning Signs of Suicide A recent suicide in the family or friend Trouble coping with recent losses, death, divorce, moving, break-ups etc. Experience with a traumatic event. Making final arrangements, such as writing a will, closing a bank account. OBVIOUS SIGNS Gathering a lethal weapon (buying a gun, collecting pills) Giving away prized possessions
Preoccupation with death, such as death and dark themes in writing, art, music lyrics, etc. Sudden changes in personality or attitude, appearance, chemical use or school behavior.
Verbal Signs of Suicide “I can’t go on.” “I wish I were dead” “I wish I was never born.” “My parents won’t have to worry about me anymore.” “Everyone would be better off if I were dead.” “Life stinks. Nobody cares if I live or die.”
Dr Frederick PHD National Institute of Mental Health States that more often the signs are not obvious. He cautions us to look for what he calls the three H’s 1. Haplessness (luckless, unfortunate) 2. Helplessness 3. Hopelessness
Generally speaking, people with suicidal tendencies have a hapless quality about their lives. 1. One thing after another goes wrong. 2. Over react in a negative way and begin to feel helpless. 3. Do not see how they can ever get up the energy and initiative to get back on track. When helplessness turns to hopelessness the risk of suicide becomes very high.