Gael Rospabe Lapp 15/04/08 CaloSoft Meeting 1 Ecal calibration using 0 Sabine Elles/ Marie-Noëlle Minard/ Gaël Rospabé
Gael Rospabe Lapp 15/04/08 CaloSoft Meeting 2 Outline Sample 0 method De-calibration Re-calibration Results Perspectives
Gael Rospabe Lapp 15/04/08 CaloSoft Meeting 3 Sample MinBias 10 6 evts Cf talk in december and next one : fisher for Ecal in stand alone Cuts : Pt > 0.3GeV Fisher (stand alone) > 0.15 => eliminate non photon clusters Dist 1 2 eliminate bad combinatories Gives ~1.8 0 /100events
Gael Rospabe Lapp 15/04/08 CaloSoft Meeting 4 Cut effects Eff = 80% Rej = 50% Eff = 65% Rej = 80% Dist < 500mm Eff = 90% Rej = 95%
Gael Rospabe Lapp 15/04/08 CaloSoft Meeting 5 Sample No corrections : -Shifted mass (124.6MeV) - large sigma (11MeV) - because no corrections applied 0 /100evts - S/B = 3 Applying corrections : Mass : 133.2MeV = 9MeV With the L0 : - get 0.3/100evts - S/B = 3 => No need to apply it
Gael Rospabe Lapp 15/04/08 CaloSoft Meeting 6 Calibration method Based on the disintegration 0 -> Clusters : 2E 1 E 2 (1-cos 12 ) = m 2 00 E1and E2 deposited energy for each photon 12 angle between the 2 Most energetic cell into the cluster ( = seed) Because can bring bias (correlation between two corrections) In practice : i = index for cells into the cluster c i = calibration coefficient e i = deposited energy E 1(2) = C i,1(2) e i,1(2) 2E 1 E 2 (1-cos ) = m 2 (correction) = m / m 00 C n+1 = C n *correction i,1(2) Where n is the iteration index
Gael Rospabe Lapp 15/04/08 CaloSoft Meeting 7 Biases come from : cells shared by several clusters clusters between two regions of the Ecal extended clusters Solutions : adding others selections only clusters with more than 70% of total energy into the seed applying energy corrections only to the seed and taking into account other corrections on other cells 0.1< 0 mass < 0.17GeV : less than 20% of error => 1 0 /100events Calibration selections
Gael Rospabe Lapp 15/04/08 CaloSoft Meeting 8 Effects of the cuts on the clusters Cuts on Pt > (0.3GeV), Fisher (> 0.15), Dist 1 2 < 500mm and % of total energy into the seed make us keeping compact clusters Without cuts Pt, dist, fisher cuts + seed cut
Gael Rospabe Lapp 15/04/08 CaloSoft Meeting 9 Calibration Algorithm Cells grouped in 3x3 patterns for each region 9 random numbers for each region (vs Gaussian) Patterns reproduced along x & y axis cells de-calibrated in function of position in 3x3 patterns 2 consecutive cells with de- calibration coefficients seed coefs only changed : no bias and correlations decalibration level can be chosen Detector de-calibration : Method : getting closer from “reality” (realistic data tacking and first mis-calibration) : de-calibration / re-calibration Outer Middle Inner
Gael Rospabe Lapp 15/04/08 CaloSoft Meeting 10 Outer region Inner regionMiddle region De-calibration In each region : 9 coefficients => 9 distributions In total : mean=120MeV = 26MeV (red =initial distributions) m=120MeV = 26MeV
Gael Rospabe Lapp 15/04/08 CaloSoft Meeting 11 Calibration algorithm Detector calibration : Different parameter evolutions are checked : mean (mass), sigma of mass distributions, and dispersions for each region when for a given region stop criteria (see next transparencies) are satisfied : stop to re-calibrate this region and only going on for non-re-calibrated ones Distribution of calibration coefs : 9 distributions / region Nowadays: - a 0 is randomly selected into the sample - fill the dedicated histogram ( position into the 3x3 pattern) with it’s reconstructed mass - when one contains 1000 0 : Gaussian fit => gives mean value : m which is m 2 = 2E 1 E 2 (1-cos 12 ) - correction is calculated : - the correction is applied giving 2E’ 1 E’ 2 (1-cos ) closer to m 2 00 m m = 00
Gael Rospabe Lapp 15/04/08 CaloSoft Meeting 12 Coefficient re-adjustment 9 examples of distributions of the mean : - not very Gaussian - not centered on m - distributions fitted by a Gaussian - give us the correction to apply on the cell(s)
Gael Rospabe Lapp 15/04/08 CaloSoft Meeting 13Gael Rospabe Lapp 15/04/08 CaloSoft Meeting 13 How to stop/evolution of the calibration 3 variables to check : - evolution of the mean of the distributions - the of the distribution - the dispersion Dispersion (Disp) is defined by : Disp = (mean – m bin ) 2 x Bin content Stop iterative process for one region when system stables over 4 quantities (0.1%) : -Correction factors - mean, - and dispersion for global distribution and for each region bin
Gael Rospabe Lapp 15/04/08 CaloSoft Meeting 14 How to stop/evolution of the calibration Oscillations of the mean : - over-corrected - corrected Diminution of the mean and dispersion Inner oscillates more than other regions Middle stabilizes faster than others
Gael Rospabe Lapp 15/04/08 CaloSoft Meeting 15 Results for the total Ecal m=135 MeV = 9 MeV m i = 120MeV Even if it looks well calibrate d before the end it is not !! Because of the addition of the 3 regions
Gael Rospabe Lapp 15/04/08 CaloSoft Meeting 16 Results for the total Ecal m=135 MeV = 10 MeV m=135 MeV = 8 MeV m=135 MeV = 11 MeV
Gael Rospabe Lapp 15/04/08 CaloSoft Meeting 17 Conclusions Iterative method : correction of the mass obtain resolution of 1% on each cell Time 1753 seconds (~1/2h) CPU seconds (~5mins)*2000/9=18h Number of iterations : ~200 # of needed 0 = 1000/cell => ~10 7 0 with Fisher and selections 1. 0 /100evts => evts Calibration time and iterations function of de- calibration