1 Nelan-oxide plus Ltd Nelan- oxide+ Petrozavodsk, Rovio st , Republic of Karelia, Russian Federation
2 I nnovative microsized company “Nelan-oxide plus” established in Aim is to commercialize technologies developed in Research Laboratory “Physics of Nanostructured Oxide Films and Coatings” (PNOFC Lab) of KSPA*. Scientific advisor - Prof. Natalia Iakovleva. Focus Research Area of PNOFC Lab: investigation of oxide films and coatings with nanosized structural elements (pores, tubes, nanoparticles) and nanoporous and nanotubular oxides of different metals (Al, Ti, Nb) and alloys (Al-Ti, Ti-Al-Nb, Al- Mg) in particular. Basic info * Karelian State Pedagogical Academy Anodic Alumina Coatings Characteristics Pore Diameter nm Pore Density pores/m 2 Coating Thickness m
3 Core Products and Technologies High-Voltage Anodic Aluminas Isolating Materials. Technology is covered by Patent of Russian Federation Anodic Alumina Nanomembranes Weatherproof colouring coatings on aluminium alloys Antibacterial eco-filters on the base of nanoporous anodic aluminas and titanias. Technology is covered by Patent of Russian Federation. Nanocatalytic materials
4 Research and development in the field of advanced nanocoatings of different functionality. Transfer of developed eco-friendly technologies of nanosized surface treatment of Al, Ti, Nb, Ta and their alloys. Tools and Services (we characterize materials properties in nano-scale regions by Scanning Probe Microcopy and by Fouier Transform Infrared Spestroscopy). Manufacturing of different devices based on nanosized surface treatments of metals and alloys (antibacterial eco- filters for water and air disinfection, acid-resistive alumina nanomembranes, etc). Types of operations
5 Focus Industries/Customers Health care and medical devices Transport Energy Engineering Awards 2012 Gold medal and Diploma for the best innovative project in the field of new materials “High-Voltage Anodic Aluminas Isolating Materials” at the High technologies. Innovations. Investments (Hi- Tech’2012) XVIII International exhibition and congress, 2012,St. Petersburg.
6 Nelan-oxide plus Ltd (ООО «Нелан-оксид плюс») Petrozavodsk, Rovio st , , Russian Federation Phone: Site: Contact Details