Tuesday, August 16, 2011 Bellringer 1.Please follow the procedure for entering the classroom. 2.Have your notebook open to your Scientist Sketch from last night. 3.On the “Daily Learning Targets” paper, please copy the “I can” statement from the board. Then fill out your agenda. 4.Remember CHAMPs expectations! Thank you!
Today’s Timeline Bellringer Check homework Clicker quiz – Policies, procedures, and expectations Classroom Map Ender *Homework: Number pages 1-74 in your Science Notebook*
Clicker Quiz CHAMPs C: 0 H: Raise hand and wait to be called upon A: Answering every question to the best of your ability M: 0 P: Using your clicker to show your answer for each question in the time allotted, following conversation level!
1. What should you do FIRST when you enter the classroom? 1.Talk to your friends 2.Take your assigned seat 3.Write on the lab table 4.Pick up materials from the materials counter 10
2. Which of the following do you NOT need to bring with you to science class every day? 1.Science Notebook 2.Agenda 3.Pen 4.Science Folder 10
3. Where can you find the day’s “I can” statement? 1.On the SmartBoard 2.On the top left of the whiteboard 3.In Ms. Edgington’s shoe 4.On the door 10
4. What should your conversation level be during any emergency procedure? 1.Zero 2.One 3.Two 4.Three 5.Four 10
5. Can you have IPODs in Ms. Edgington’s class? 1.Yes 2.No 10
6. Which of the following is a Science rule? 1.Be an active and positive participator. 2.Don’t do your assignments. 3.Copy your homework if you forget to do it. 4.Leave your agenda in your locker. 10
7. Should you leave class when the bell rings or when the teacher dismisses you? 1.Bell rings 2.Teacher dismissal 10
8. What do you do if you are absent? 1.Check the absentee binder. 2.Wait for Ms. Edgington to get it for you. 3.Don’t do your make- up work. 10
9. Should you have food or drink in Science class? 1.Yes whenever I want. 2.Yes, when Ms. Edgington gives it to us as a reward! 3.No. 10
10. I should follow all policies, procedures, and expectations so we have a GREAT year! 1.Yes 2.No 10
Classroom Map CHAMPs C: 1-2=quietly talking to neighbors H: come ask me! A: finding everything on the checklist M: expected and encouraged!! P: walking around, talking to classmates, locating items on the checklist, abiding by timer, following all verbal instructions
Ender How do you feel about today’s “I can” statement? In the lines underneath, please tell me how you did on today’s quiz and why!