I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e UML to OPNET SW Performance Modeling November 6, 2008 John James (E547) Greg Quinn (E547) Ed Walters (E546) ©2009 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited This technical data was produced for the U. S. Government under Contract No. FA C-0002, and is subject to the Rights in Technical Data-Noncommercial Items clause at (DFARS) (NOV 1995)
I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e Objective Primary objective: Reduce the cost of modeling SW performance (specifically in OPNET) –Hand created Software Performance Models Effort intensive Schedule intensive –Improve correlation of model to design –Improve quality of model
I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e Methodology Directly interface between UML design tools and SW performance analysis tools Utilize contractor UML sequence diagrams augmented with Schedulability, Performance and Time (SPT) data Create OPNET Model using two MITRE Java routines –Translate Rhapsody XMI into Software Performance Model Interchange Format (S-PMIF by Connie Smith) Common XML representation to exchange models between UML- based tools and Performance engineering tools –Convert S-PMIF into an XML model that is imported into OPNET to use Detailed Server Model to model SW UML – Unified Modeling Language SPT- Schedulability, Performance and Time XMI – XML Metadata Interchange Industry Standards Runtime - Process S-PMIF – Software Performance Model Interchange Format Possible Standard UML – Sequence Diagrams Response Time Statistics
I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e Potential Program Impact Reduction of effort to analyze design performance –Given UML model w SPT: reduced effort and schedule From Months to Day(s) - initial model From Weeks to Day - updates More accurate model of performance –Confidence in correlation of analysis to UML architecture –No hand changes in model for new steps in SW threads –Better use of performance tool Given less cost/schedule required to do performance analysis contractor more likely to do the analysis –More likely to meet performance requirements earlier in development phase - less costly point to do this work –Reduce cost of changes to design to meet performance requirements –Resulting in higher compliance with requirements
I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e Example Problem (Numbers are 30ms 30ms 40ms Detection 5ms 20ms IFTU update 25ms IFTU IFTU In-flight Target Update Priority 7 Priority 8 Priority 9
I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e Two Sensor & One Munition Thread ABM Sensor Scenario BAC Sensor Scenario IFTU Scenario Augmented with SPT Data (not shown)
I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e OPNET Layout
I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e Utilization by Resource OPNET 3 day RapidRMA PN (30 sec run) R R R R R R R
I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e Thread Response Time PN Results (6 Min run) OPNET: After 3 day run BAC ABM IFTU RapidRMA
I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e Modeling SW in OPNET Used Modeler and Detailed Server Model –Custom Application Model Model thread behavior in Tasks Steps on same resource are SW –Detail Server Model Timing and priority on server jobs in Task (Thread) Considered using ACE Whiteboard Custom Application –Easier to do by hand: attach Jobs to Tiers –Harder to automate; C API; No XML interface –Additional License Required
I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e More Complex SW Example
I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e Other Issues and Next Steps Have implemented Fork of given thread into two asynchronous threads Are looking to modify Detailed Server model to handle two-thread-Join and sw-Locks Analyze specific military system’s design threads by moving into an environment that supports use of Contractor performance parameters Other programs interested in technology when ready –Requires synchronization between threads Joins and Locks