Hot New Technology Tools Beth Malapanes CDO Library
Video Google Video (Blocked so use Zamzar to convert) Teacher Tube
Windows Movie Maker Comes with Windows XP and Vista Make professional looking videos with still photos Online file converter Have you ever wanted to convert files without the need to download software ?
Audacity Audacity is free, open source software for recording and editing voice and sounds
Voicethread Pictures with voice added, no special software needed, just a microphone Example: 63.i30523 Peggy’s works ks/online/dec07/bestpract.htm#article1 ks/online/dec07/bestpract.htm#article1 Extremely easy place to post text, images, audio, and sound
Photos Flickr Flickr is a photo sharing site where you can post your photos and tag them so others can find them
Other Photo Sites Photo storing and sharing Photobucket Picnik Picture Trail Tabblo Rock You Slide shows Bubbleshare Slide shows Slideroll Slide shows Slide shows See at a glance where your site's visitors are located Check out the map at the bottom of Amphi’s interactive whiteboard pagemap is a simple and free web application that lets you brainstorm online
Bibme The best free bibliography maker
For educators Gmail - Offer to your faculty, students and staff with 2 gigabytes of storage per account, search tools to help them find information fast, and instant messaging built right into the browser (chat can easily be disabled for the whole school if you don't want students to be able to IM with their accounts). Google Talk - Teachers and students can call or send instant messages to their contacts for free -- anytime, anywhere in the world. Imagine the possibilities for people collaborating on projects from different locations. Google Calendar - Everyone can organize their schedules and share events, meetings and entire calendars with others. You can even publish the school calendar on your website to let families know about events like back-to-school nights, homecoming and vacation days. Google Docs & Spreadsheets - Students and teachers can create documents and spreadsheets and then collaborate with each other in real-time right inside a web browser window. Google Page Creator - Create and publish web pages for your domain quickly and easily with this what-you-see-is-what-you-get web design tool. No technical expertise required. Get More Done Create To Do Lists and Reminders Send and Text Messages Message groups in one call... all with just your voice
MediaMax Free online storage up to 25 GB Making long URLs usable! More than 50 million of them. Over 1.1 billion hits/month Wikispaces for teachers 100K Wikis can be used for collaborative writing projects; group work management; online reference guides and manuals; and electronic portfolios My wiki classwiki class
Skrbl Online interactive whiteboard that can be created and shared My writeboard 87a 87a Lets you create newsletters, flyers, announcements, etc, all within a browser
Scrapblog Create online scrapbooks that can be shared online, printed, or burned to DVD
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