MATERIALS You will need the following materials EVERY DAY. If you do not have your materials, I will take points. I will not give you materials. Agenda RC book Binder with paper Homework folder Pencil Red pen Blue or black pen
BEGINNING OF CLASS Get your notebook for the warm-up. This notebook NEVER leaves my class. Sharpen your pencil BEFORE we start class. Copy the homework from the whiteboard into your agenda. If the whiteboard says, “No homework,” then write “No homework” in your agenda. Leave your agenda out for me to see that you wrote down the homework. When the door closes, class has begun.
LATE TO CLASS I will set the timer for 4 minutes when the first bell rings. When the timer goes off, my door will be closed, and you will be late to class. I will take points for being late to class.
DURING CLASS Once the door is shut, you need to fill out a pass IN PEN to leave class for any reason. I will only sign your pass. I will not fill it out for you. Do not leave class without my permission. Unless it is an absolute emergency, wait until an appropriate time to leave the room. For example: the middle of taking notes, or when I am talking are NOT appropriate times to ask to leave. During seat work IS an appropriate time to go. If I give back graded papers, put them in your binder or throw them away at home. Do not throw them away here.
RESTROOM POLICIES Try to limit your restroom breaks to between classes. If you must got to the restroom during class time, fill out a restroom pass in your agenda on the correct day and class. Unless it is an absolute emergency, wait until an appropriate time to leave the room. For example: the middle of taking notes, or when I am talking are NOT appropriate times to ask to leave. During seat work IS an appropriate time to go. I will only sign the pass for you; I will not fill it out.
END OF CLASS Check inside your desk. If you leave something in the desk, I will throw it away. I will dismiss you. The bell DOES NOT dismiss you. Always wait for me to tell you to pack up. If you pack up early, I will either take points or keep you longer.
TURNING IN ASSIGNMENTS Always do your work in pencil or blue/black pen. Please don’t use other colors, even if they’re pretty. Always put completed work in the Inbox. If your name is not on an assignment, you will lose 5 points on the assignment. If you do not have an assignment when I ask for it, it is considered LATE. That means if I collect homework at the beginning of class, if you finish it and give it to me at the end of class, it is STILL LATE. If you did not complete an assignment, it is ALWAYS better to turn it in a day or two late than to receive a zero. I will NOT remind you to turn in late work. It is your responsibility.
LABELING PAPERS All papers will have the following heading at the top: Name Date Class Period Reminder: If your name is not on an assignment, you will lose 5 points on the assignment.
ABSENTEEISM It is YOUR responsibility to get work if you were absent. If you fail to ask for an assignment that you missed, you will receive a zero. Each morning I will update the “While You Were Out” whiteboard with yesterday’s activities. If you were absent, check the whiteboard AT THE BEGINNING OF CLASS. Then tell me exactly which day you missed so that I can get you any papers you need. If you are turning in work from when you were absent, give it directly to me. Do not put it in the Inbox or I will mark it as late.
LEARNING DEVICES You may NOT have your learning device out at any time during my class. It belongs in your purse or your locker. If I see your learning device, you will lose 8 points and I will keep it for the rest of the day. If you need your learning device for class (which will NOT happen very often), I will let you know via the BYLD posted on the door. If you use an iPad, Kindle, or Nook to read, you must ask permission BEFORE using it. If you use it without permission, I might decide to take points. You may NOT use your phone or iPod to read.
GRADING, QUESTIONS, AND COMPLAINTS If you have a question about your grade, you may come to me before or after class or during homeroom; I will not use class time to discuss grades. If you disagree with a grade, don’t like your partner/group, or think I disciplined you unfairly, come talk to me PRIVATELY at the END of class. Do not discuss grades, groups, or discipline with me during class time.
THE BOTTOM LINE: ***Above all, this is a safe learning environment. Teasing, bullying, or making fun of another student will not be tolerated in this classroom. Always feel free to ask questions or talk to me privately about a problem. I’m here to help!***