Improving Evacuation Strategies through Adaptive Planning Kickoff/Research Transition Meeting October 22, 2014 Vicki Bier, Greg Hammond (AFIT)
2 Project Objectives Research Goals –Explore use of adaptive evacuation planning for non-radiological disasters –Explore the tradeoffs between health effects and population evacuated Research Transition Goals –Identify stakeholders at DHS –Identify stakeholders in the military
3 DHS Interest and Motivation Who at DHS might be interested –Response Directorate at FEMA –Federal Protective Service in the National Protection and Programs Directorate –Wireless Emergency Alerts Who at DHS are your contacts –None at present
4 Interfaces to Related Research Who else is working on this –Bob Youngblood at Idaho National Lab –Mike Corradini, University of Wisconsin How does this work improve SOA –Adaptive methods can reduce evacuation radiological exposure, population evacuated/relocated, or both Interfaces with others in this field –Adam Rose at CREATE
5 Research Technical Plan Quantify tradeoffs between health effects and population evacuated for U.S. nuclear-power plants Evaluate applicability of adaptive evacuation planning to biological and chemical emergencies
6 Research Transition Plan Identify stakeholders in the FEMA Response Directorate, and Federal Protective Service (for facilities) Extend Wireless Emergency Alerts beyond natural disasters? Explore military applications (e.g., chemical weapons in North Korea, also U.S. Northern Command)
7 Milestones and Schedule/Timeline Nuclear-power analysis – January Biological and chemical – March Pilot study for FEMA – May Summarize recommendations – June