Career Options for Psychology Majors
What is Psychology? Scientific study of behavior Emotion Cognition Action Brain Language Perception Social navigation Learning/Memory Stress Mental Illness Study of Psychology Add to growing scientific understanding
How best to choose a path? 3+ Ms = MAP TO MUCH SUCCESS Multitude of career options in psychology Make exploration your guide Match your skill set/career goals/passion with your career choice (Make money!)
MULTITUDE OF OPTIONS Different degrees (basic & applied fields) Bachelor’s degree* Case worker; Substance abuse counselor; Personnel administrator Master’s degree* School psychologist; Consumer psychologist; Art therapist Doctoral degree* Clinical psychologist; Behavioral neuroscientist; Professor/Researcher (*examples)
MULTITUDE OF OPTIONS Demand for psychology degree remains strong. Skill set developed in the study of psychology is valued by many employers. Skill set = writing, research/experimental design, & analytical thinking. Many fields are competitive. Typically more opportunities for career growth with graduate degree… ENACT YOUR PLAN EARLY! Smart/thoughtful plan includes working for a good GPA & becoming involved in research/internship.
MAKE EXPLORATION YOUR GUIDE Explore now to discover which psychology field/career is best for you. PSY 101 300 level classes 400 level classes Non-psychology classes Minor(s ) Extracurricular activities “Golden” sources of information Advisor (Careers in Psychology) Career Development Center
MATCH INTEREST & SKILLS WITH CAREER CHOICE What can you do with a psychology degree? MUCH (ado about something!) Formulate a general plan early. Stick to it but be willing to modify as you learn more via exploration and make more specific your plan. Match your penchants/philosophy/skills with a career that will enable you to reach your goals. Don’t worry…(work hard)…be happy.
Sample Salaries – Bachelor’s Degree Only
Number One (Lavender Mist): Jackson Pollock, 1951