Performance Update Jeff Boote Senior Network Software Engineer Internet2 Martin Swany Assistant Professor University of Delaware
The Distributed CI Computer Instrumentation Security Control Data Generation Computation Analysis Simulation Program Security Management Security and Access Authentication Access Control Authorization Researcher Control Program Viewing Security 3D Imaging Display and Visualization. Display Tools Security Data Input Collab Tools Publishing Human Support Help Desk Policy and Funding Resource Providers Funding Agencies Campuses Search Data Sets Storage Security Retrieval Input Schema Metadata Data Directories Ontologies Archive Education And Outreach Network Training
The Network is the Backplane for the Distributed CI Computer Instrumentation Security Control Data Generation Computation Analysis Simulation Program Security Management Security and Access Authentication Access Control Authorization Researcher Control Program Viewing Security 3D Imaging Display and Visualization. Display Tools Security Data Input Collab Tools Publishing Human Support Help Desk Policy and Funding Resource Providers Funding Agencies Campuses Search Data Sets Storage Security Retrieval Input Schema Metadata Data Directories Ontologies Archive Education And Outreach Network Training
CI Components Network Performance Infrastructure / Tools Middleware Control Plane …. Bulk Transport 2-Way Interactive Video Real-Time Communications Applications Applications call on Network Cyberinfrastructure …. Phoebus Network Cyberinfrastructure Measurement Nodes Control Plane Nodes
Internet2 Performance CI Software Performance Monitoring Infrastructure perfSONAR (with ESnet, GEANT2 JRA1, RNP, many others) BWCTL, NDT, OWAMP, Thrulay Transport Infrastructure Phoebus Distributed System Infrastructure Topology Service (with University of Delaware) Distributed Lookup Service (with University of Delaware, PSNC)
Overview Performance Measurement Requirements Measurement Tools perfSONAR perfSONAR-PS Services Transport Middleware Distributed System Infrastructure Schema for sharing Services for sharing (discovery/topology/authentication)
Performance Measurement Requirements (Internet2 network support) Deployed on Internet2 Network Software: perfSONAR, BWCTL, NDT, OWAMP Goals: IU NOC Support *, proof of performance for Application Community Meet the needs of the LHC Application Community (T0-T3) Partnership with GEANT2 JRA1, ESnet, RNP to meet that need Packaged perfSONAR solution for US connectors and universities Ease of deployment is key * Veneer on existing NOC solutions rather than a new solution * Integrated into a Cyberinfrastructure Solution Support DRAGON Rely on common AA infrastructure Common elements (AA, Discovery, Topology) * Drives the need for a perl-based packaged solution, perfSONAR-PS
OWAMP (One way latency data) 3.0c (RFC 4645 version) available now Maintenance mode Diagnostic test points available at all Internet2 IP Network router locations: POP = losa,salt,hous,kans,chic,atla,newy,wash - soon seat Full mesh of Internet2 IP network tests collected and available from:
BWCTL (Throughput tests) 1.2a is current version 2.0 due out soon with additional testers Diagnostic test points available at all Internet2 IP Network router locations: POP = losa,salt,hous,kans,chic,atla,newy,wash - soon seat Full mesh of Internet2 IP network tests collected and available soon
NDT updates Administrator can allow clients to run repetitive tests MCNC modifications rolled into NDT code New post-processing tools to improve analysis of log data New version available by end of this week
Post-processing Tasks Allow site administrators to find problems effecting multiple clients Allow site administrators to verify that problems have been resolved Allow developers to experiment with new detection algorithms Allow developers to quickly test new features
NDT Post-processing Tools Genplot – Simply program to display Web100 data JAnalyze – Java based version of Analyze program
Genplot – Textual Display ‘genplot -tmCurCwnd,SlowStart,CongAvoid,CongestionSignals fn | less’
Genplot – Graphical Display ‘genplot –C fn; xplot fn.xpl’
NPToolKit Recent versions of Measurement tools installed and pre-configured Knoppix Live-CD bootable system Current Version: performance-toolkit.html performance-toolkit.html
perfSONAR Motivation Most organizations can do monitoring and diagnostics of their own network Networking is becoming an increasingly cross-domain effort Monitoring and diagnostics must also become a cross-domain effort
perfSONAR A set of protocols and schemas for implementing a SOA for sharing and controlling network performance tools A community of users and developers Multiple sets of interoperable software
perfSONAR-PS Motivation Create separate implementation of perfSONAR standard Use same protocol/standards Proof of interoperability (strengthens the standard) Targeted for University NOC deployments Lightweight Easy to deploy/manage (We were unable to convince our primary users to deploy Java services due to the complexity of dependencies)
perfSONAR-PS Services Focus on development of major perfSONAR components LS Topology Link Status Circuit Status SNMP Based MP/MA PingER (SLAC) New additions OWAMP/BWCTL Traceroute Contact Jason or Jeff if you are interested in testing pre-releases
Lookup Service 'Oracle' of perfSONAR deployments Accept service registrations Handle complex data/service queries Manage the lifetimes of data and services to keep framework relevant Web Service interface to XML Database Berkeley DB XML Service Info/Data kept in native formats Draw away the complex query tasks from otherwise 'busy' services
Lookup Service Also XML based configuration/protocol Native storage/query mechanisms [Xpath/XQuery] Message format to exchange the data Targeted at single domain deployment Single instance to manage multiple services Mutli-domain 'distributed' LS in development Client applications aware of LS to find services perfSONAR-UI perfAdmin
Lookup Service Current Deployment: Internet2 (Ann Arbor) University of Delaware Planned Deployment: IU for Internet2 network and regionals International Partners
Topology Service Provides a queryable repository for obtaining topology information about a domain Can obtain the entire network Xquery interface allows the construction of arbitrarily complex queries about the network Topology is specified according to the schema in development for OGF
Topology Service Current Deployments Internet2 Planned Deployments Internet2 DCN SLAC (PingER Topology Information)
Link Status Measurement Archive Provide access to up/down status information about layer2 links Data stored in a SQL database Database schema allows for storing time ranges during which a link had a certain status Minimizes storage costs for rarely changing links Communication/Configuration via XML Target audience is network operators and users interested in obtaining the status of the links over which their data flows
Link Status Measurement Archive Collector Allows for the periodic collection of the status of one or more links Can use SNMP, Scripts or simply Constants Can store results directly into a database or into a remote Measurement Archive
Link Status Measurement Archive Visualization A perfSONAR-UI Plugin is available that can display a network and the status of its links Current Deployment Internet2 Network HOPI (in2p3 circuit) Planned Deployment SLAC
Circuit Status Measurement Archive An e2emon-compatible service Integrates with the Link Status MA to provide the information stored in MAs Can work with local MAs directly or with remote MAs Can use the Topology MA to obtain necessary information about nodes Can use a Lookup Service to lookup the MA containing information on each link Target audience is administrators who want to publish circuit status information to e2emon clients
Circuit Status Measurement Archive Visualization Any tool that is compatible with e2emon will work with this service Current Deployment Internet2 Network HOPI (in2p3 circuit) Planned Deployment SLAC
SNMP Measurement Archive Provide access to network performance data Utilization Errors Discards Numerous tools exist to collect passive measurements (via SNMP): MRTG Cacti Cricket Expose archives from RRD files
SNMP Measurement Archive XML based configuration/protocol Configuration file to expose the data Message format to exchange the data Targeted at researchers, NOC staff debugging intra/inter domain network problems Many client applications available to graphically display the results: perfSONAR-UI perfAdmin perfOMeter (General Session Demo)
SNMP Measurement Archive Current Deployment: Internet2 Network ESnet Georgia Tech/SOX Fermilab Planned Deployment: Regional Networks International Partners
Visualization Utilizing the plugin architecture of perfSONAR-UI Data visualization beyond network utilization Google Maps Utilization by physical location 'Weather Map' of Internet2 Network Web based speedometer to interact directly with MA code
Other Services (in development) Traceroute MP/MA Joint effort between UD and SLAC Integrate into visual traceroute tools Currently in testing OWAMP MA Make regular results available BWCTL MA Make regular results available
perfSONAR-PS Releases Currently exploring testing and packaging strategies Releases will ultimately be CPAN based Standing issues include configuration/automation help. Versions of SNMP MA and LS will be available this fall Pre-CPAN versions will be available for LHC commitments in August (using CPAN conventions)
Transport Middleware (Phoebus) The Phoebus project aims to help bridge the performance gap by bringing dynamic networks to end-users Phoebus is another name for the mythical Apollo in his role as the “sun god” Phoebus is based on the concept of a “session” that enables multiple adaptation points in the network Improves end-to-end throughput for users Depots on the ingress/egress points of backbone networks mitigate the effects of edge networks Allows transparent use of network features like cross-domain dynamic circuits
Session Layer A session is the end-to-end composition of segment- specific transports and signaling More responsive control loop via reduction of signaling latency Adapt to local conditions with greater specificity Buffering in the network means retransmissions need not come from the source Physical Data Link Network Transport Session Physical Data Link Network Transport Session Physical Data Link Network Transport User Space
Optical Net End-to-End Session
Optical Net End-to-End Session
Phoebus - Upcoming SC Demo Allocate dynamic circuits using DCN Control Plane UDT for inter-depot communication Transparent operation (library, iptables) Legacy applications can use the DCN with no modification
Phoebus - Current Work Separating front-end (control plane) from back-end (data plane) Allows creation of new front-end services Constructing a web services based front-end Andy Lake for Google Summer of Code Construction of high-performance forwarding devices with myricom NICs
Phoebus - Future Simple file transfer tool Transparently use Phoebus/Dynamic Circuits Utilize Measurement Infrastructure Help find best routes, provide information about paths and achievable bandwidth Extension of Path Finding / Routing Authentication and Authorization
Schema/Protocol Developments The perfSONAR Topology schema is also used in the DCN control plane We’ve spent quite a bit of effort harmonizing these The obvious win is that we have the measurement system have immediate access to dynamic circuits The broader impact is that we’re approaching a unified network interaction model (UNIM)
Schema Developments The perfSONAR schema is being standardized in the Open Grid Forum (OGF) Network Measurement Working Group (NM-WG) The topology efforts have spawned a new WG called the Network Markup Language WG (NML-WG)
Schema - Network Element Identifiers A scheme for identifying network elements Each network element gets a unique identifier This identifier will be included with any measurement associated with that element.
Network Element Identifiers Use Cases: A topology service can be used to find the identifier for a network element An LS could then be queried to find all measurements associated with that element Dynamic service path-finding can be integrated with ongoing measurements
Network Element Identifiers Identifiers use URN notation Prefixed with “urn:ogf:network:” Consists of name/value pairs separated by colons Possible field names: domain, node, port, link, path, network Set of rules defined for each field to keep identifiers compact and finite
Network Element Identifiers Examples to ATLA OC192 urn:ogf:network:path=anna
Distributed Systems Infrastructure perfSONAR, DCN and Phoebus have similar system requirements Lookup and Topology Services comprise a generic Information Service that is useful to all these Network Services Authentication and Policy services are cross- cutting as well Rather than have silos of mission-specific functionality, we envision pervasive system components
Distributed Systems Infrastructure Synergies of information bases are obvious Multi-layer path-finding including current network state, available resources on a variety of layers It is a compelling vision to imagine a dynamic, reactive, visible service-rich network
Summary A rich set of tools are being developed To federate network monitoring and diagnostics To enable dynamic network resource allocations To leverage new network capabilities from an ‘end-user’ application (phoebus) A longer view toward an evolution of “in the network” services
Questions? Jeff Boote Martin Swany