Kindergarten Parent Orientation Night St. Bernadette School May 4th, 2015 Introduction…This is an opportunity to talk about the Educator team in Kindergarten made up of a teacher and Early Childhood Educator working in partnership. If there are less than 15 children in the kindergarten classroom then it is just a classroom teacher.
Focus on Faith Prayer Jesus, Friend and Teacher, you ask us, “Who do you say that I am?” Thank you for inviting us to know you more each day. Quiet our minds to hear your Word; to love you more; for the more we know you, the more brightly we reflect you. You meet us in our every need, your love, new each day! Guide us as we build your kingdom, and find our home in you; for you are the Lord, the face of God, And the breath of the Holy Spirit. Amen
The Halton Catholic District School Board Mission Statement “The Halton Catholic District School Board in partnership with home and Church is dedicated to providing excellence in Catholic education by developing Christ- centred individuals enabled to transform society.”
The Full-Day Early Learning Kindergarten Program “Play nourishes every aspect of children’s development—it forms the foundation of intellectual, social, physical, and emotional skills necessary for success in school and in life. Play “paves the way for learning”. There is a strong link between play and learning for young children especially in the areas of problem solving, language acquisition, literacy, numeracy. Play supports a child’s emotional, social, physical, intellectual and spiritual development. Canadian Council on Learning, Lessons in Learning (2006) cited in The Full-Day Early Learning-Kindergarten Program (Draft), 2010
Play-based Learning Providing large blocks for play Supporting children’s ideas and interests Providing a variety of hands-on experiences Responding, challenging and extending children’s thinking and learning Evidence of how educator teams capture the thinking and learning children will be visible when you visit the classroom Add photos of children engaging in play
Children are curious and connect prior knowledge to new experiences in order to understand the world around them. While this slide is up with the pictures the educator team can invite parents to the classroom after the formal part of the evening.
Religious Development In kindergarten, the aim is to assist children to see traces of God in and around them. Spiritual growth takes place within the home, school, church and community. Parents are recognized as the prime educators of their children. Talking to your child about the wonder of God’s creation, attending worship together as a family, sharing religious stories, and praying together during meals and at bedtime are some ways that a family can promote spiritual awareness. Our Religion program is In God`s Image
The 7 Areas of Learning Religion Language Mathematics Science & Personal & Social Development Mathematics Science & Technology The Arts Health & Physical Education This slide has animation and the Religion Area will appear. The program includes 6 areas of learning and in Catholic schools we have a 7th which is religion. Religion is embedded in all of the learning areas…When you visit the classroom you will see evidence of these learning areas in the materials and evidence of documentation. More specific information will be shared at curriculum night in September. Full-Day Early Learning-Kindergarten Program (Draft), 2010, p.22
The 6 Developmental Domains Social Emotional Spiritual Communication / Language Cognitive Physical This slide has animation and Spiritual Domain will appear. The Kindergarten program supports the development of the whole child…social, emotional, communication/language, cognitive, physical and spiritual Full-Day Early Learning-Kindergarten Program (Draft), 2010, p.22
The School Day… 8:40-8:45 Entry into classroom (attendance) 9:00 - 9:15 Outdoor Play (weather permitting) 9:15-11:45 Early Learning Kindergarten Program by FDK Team 11:45-12:45 Lunch and Outdoor Play Time 12:45-2:45 Early Learning Kindergarten Program by FDK Team 2:45-3:10 Outdoor Play (weather permitting) 3:10-3:15 Pack up/Dismissal of Students Update with what your schedule may look like. Remember that there should be large blocks of time for Outdoor Play (it’s not recess but intentional play) and Indoor Play.
Entry Procedures Drop-off Bus YMCA Before School Discuss the procedures for your school regarding entry It may be a good opportunity to talk about Punctuality and late procedures Drop Off…quick kiss good bye If your child is going to be away you must report the absence by calling the school Parents are encouraged to leave their children to the supervision of the educators. This will encourage all of the children to adjust sooner to the kind, nurturing learning environment of kindergarten and to continue to develop independence and self-regulation skills.
Dismissal Procedures Pick-up Bus YMCA After School Discuss the procedures for your school Be sure to let the teacher or ECE know if there is going to be a change in the usual pick up routine through a note or phone call (example someone else will be picking up your child)
Bus Transportation Please visit for more information.
Before and After School Care Times Funded by parent fees Contact person Seamless day This is an opportunity for the Y partners to speak about before and after school care. Stress the importance of booking early This message is on the Board Website…For the 2014-2015 school year, the Extended Day Program, which is optional for students, will be provided before and after school by the YMCA in locations where there is sufficient enrolment to make such programs sustainable. A minimum enrolment of ten (10) students is required.
Lunch and Snacks… Peanut Free/Food Allergies Containers and Utensils Labelling Healthy Snack “Litterless” Portions/Quantity Please take this opportunity to talk about students independence and self-regulation Explain to parents that there may be days where your child will not eat everything and that is okay. Remind them that snack is something they can eat in 5-10 minutes. Labelling Snacks 1, 2, 3
Clothing and Footwear… One set of spare clothing to keep at school in a labelled ziplock bag including: Socks Underwear Shirt Pants Your child should be able to put their shoes on independently (velcro vs laces) Running shoes must be worn in the gym School uniform… Customize for your school with respect to uniform etc. Proper footwear must be worn at all times Children should have indoor shoes when wearing boots to school Make sure all of their belongings are labelled MAKE SURE ALL OF THEIR BELONGINGS ARE LABELLED
Backpacks should be large enough to hold… Large picture books Communication bag Shoes Lunch Snacks Have an example of an appropriate backpack to show parents as well as examples what is expected to go in the backpack (books, lunch, snack etc) so they have a visual!
Establishing Routines… Toileting Independence Bedtime Dressing and Undressing If they are not yet toilet training this is a routine you want to establish. There is some helpful information available at Wiping Flushing Handwashing Managing dressing and undressing Dressing and undressing…outdoor clothing and shoes
Reading With Your Child “Children are made readers on the laps of their parents.” Emilie Buchwald “The more you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.” Dr. Seuss, "I Can Read With My Eyes Shut!" Reading is a meaning making process and involves thinking. It is made up of decoding or sounding out the words, fluency and comprehension or understanding. It is important that as adults we model the thinking we do as readers so children come to understand that reading is more than sounding out the words. Reading with your child and sharing your thinking as you read…your predictions, your favourite parts, what it reminds you of…will model the strategies that readers use to help them understand what they are reading. Reading stories to your child in your first language is important as the reading comprehension strategies they are using are the same. The public library provides books in a variety of languages. We want children to love stories and to engage with text that is read to them so that when they are ready to learn to read they view it as a positive and pleasurable experience. Oral language is the foundation of all literacy and in kindergarten children will be provided with the opportunities to develop the skills required which begins with hearing the sounds of language. There is no expectation that children will be reading in Kindergarten as it is a developmental skill however some children will reading be ready to read in Kindergarten and others in Grade 1. In Kindergarten they will be provided with many rich literacy experiences that will provide them with the reading readiness skills. If you did not receive a copy of the handout on how to read with your child, please take on before you leave.
Additional Information Volunteers in the school (police check) Arrange to speak to Remind parents that all volunteers require a police check and they are encouraged to do this as soon as possible as it can take several weeks depending on the volume
Kindergarten Entry Date Year 1 Students Year 2 Students Tuesday, September 8, 2015 Parent/Students Interviews for year 1 students Parent/Students Interviews for Year 2 students who are new to the school Wednesday, September 9, 2015 Thursday, September 10, 2015 Staggered entry for first half of the Year 1 students. Full entry for all Year 2 students. Friday, September 11, 2015 Staggered entry for second half of the Year 1 students (first half do not attend) Monday, September 14, 2015 Full entry for all Year 1 students. The expectation is that interviews with new families will take place on Tues Sept 8 and Wed Sept 9th for year 1 students and students new to Kindergarten. Students will not attend those days. Year 2 students will commence Thursday Sept 10th with ½ of the Year 1 students, Friday Sept 11th the other ½ of Year 1 students will join the Year 2 Students and all students will attend Monday, September 14th.
Next steps… Bring their attention to the last page of the brochure and highlight the information and services available. Once the schedule for next year has been confirmed Package with First Visit (child and parents) meeting and additional information will be sent to families in June.