1 Lecture 1: February 20, 2007 Topic: 1. Discrete-Time Signals and Systems.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture 1: February 20, 2007 Topic: 1. Discrete-Time Signals and Systems

2 Lecture 1: February 20, 2007 Topic: 1. Discrete-Time Signals and Systems signal classification -> signals to be applied in digital filter theory within our course, some elementary discrete-time signals, discrete-time systems: definition, basic properties review, discrete-time system classification, input-output model of discrete-time systems -> system to be applied in digital filter theory within our course, Linear discrete-time time-invariant system description in time-, frequency- and transform-domain.

3 1. Discrete-Time Signals and Systems. Summary 1.1. Basic Definitions

Discrete and Digital Signals Basic Definitions Signals may be classified into four categories depending on the characteristics of the time-variable and values they can take: continuous-time signals (analogue signals), discrete-time signals, continuous-valued signals, discrete-valued signals.

5 Continuous-time (analogue) signals: Time: defined for every value of time, Descriptions: functions of a continuous variable t:, Notes: they take on values in the continuous interval. Note:

6 Discrete-time signals: Time: defined only at discrete values of time:, Descriptions: sequences of real or complex numbers, Note A.: they take on values in the continuous interval, Note B.: sampling of analogue signals: sampling interval, period:, sampling rate: number of samples per second, sampling frequency (Hz):.

7 Continuous-valued signals: Time: they are defined for every value of time or only at discrete values of time, Value: they can take on all possible values on finite or infinite range, Descriptions: functions of a continuous variable or sequences of numbers.

8 Discrete-valued signals: Time: they are defined for every value of time or only at discrete values of time, Value: they can take on values from a finite set of possible values, Descriptions: functions of a continuous variable or sequences of numbers.

9 Digital filter theory: Digital signals: Definition and descriptions: discrete-time and discrete-valued signals (i.e. discrete -time signals taking on values from a finite set of possible values), Note: sampling, quatizing and coding process i.e. process of analogue-to-digital conversion. Discrete-time signals: Definition and descriptions: defined only at discrete values of time and they can take all possible values on finite or infinite range (sequences of real or complex numbers: ), Note: sampling process, constant sampling period.

Discrete-Time Signal Representations A.Functional representation: B. Graphical representation

11 D. Sequence representation: n…-2012 x(n)… C. Tabular representation:

Elementary Discrete-Time Signals A. Unit sample sequence (unit sample, unit impulse, unit impulse signal)

13 B. Unit step signal (unit step, Heaviside step sequence)

14 C. Complex-valued exponential signal where and T is sampling period and is sampling frequency. (complex sinusoidal sequence, complex phasor)

Discrete-Time Systems. Definition A discrete-time system is a device or algorithm that operates on a discrete-time signal called the input or excitation (e.g. x(n)), according to some rule (e.g. H[.]) to produce another discrete-time signal called the output or response (e.g. y(n)). This expression denotes also the transformation H[.] (also called operator or mapping) or processing performed by the system on x(n) to produce y(n).

16 input signal excitation output signal response discrete-time system Input-Output Model of Discrete-Time System (input-output relationship description)

Classification of Discrete-Time Systems Static vs. Dynamic Systems. Definition A discrete-time system is called static or memoryless if its output at any time instant n depends on the input sample at the same time, but not on the past or future samples of the input. In the other case, the system is said to be dynamic or to have memory. If the output of a system at time n is completly determined by the input samples in the interval from n-N to n ( ), the system is said to have memory of duration N. If, the system is static or memoryless. If, the system is said to have finite memory. If, the system is said to have infinite memory.

18 Examples: The static (memoryless) systems: The dynamic systems with finite memory: The dynamic system with infinite memory:

Time-Invariant vs. Time-Variable Systems. Definition A discrete-time system is called time-invariant if its input-output characteristics do not change with time. In the other case, the system is called time-variable. Definition. A relaxed system is time- or shift-invariant if only if implies that for every input signal and every time shift k.

20 Examples: The time-invariant systems: The time-variable systems:

Linear vs. Non-linear Systems. Definition A discrete-time system is called linear if only if it satisfies the linear superposition principle. In the other case, the system is called non- linear. Definition. A relaxed system is linear if only if for any arbitrary input sequences and, and any arbitrary constants and. The multiplicative (scaling) property of a linear system: The additivity property of a linear system:

22 Examples: The linear systems: The non-linear systems:

Causal vs. Non-causal Systems. Definition Definition. A system is said to be causal if the output of the system at any time n (i.e., y(n)) depends only on present and past inputs (i.e., x(n), x(n-1), x(n-2), … ). In mathematical terms, the output of a causal system satisfies an equation of the form where is some arbitrary function. If a system does not satisfy this definition, it is called non-causal.

24 Examples: The causal system: The non-causal system:

Stable vs. Unstable of Systems. Definitions An arbitrary relaxed system is said to be bounded input - bounded output (BIBO) stable if and only if every bounded input produces the bounded output. It means, that there exist some finite numbers say and, such that for all n. If for some bounded input sequence x(n), the output y(n) is unbounded (infinite), the system is classified as unstable.

26 Examples: The stable systems: The unstable system:

Recursive vs. Non-recursive Systems. Definitions A system whose output y(n) at time n depends on any number of the past outputs values ( e.g. y(n-1), y(n-2), … ), is called a recursive system. Then, the output of a causal recursive system can be expressed in general as where F[.] is some arbitrary function. In contrast, if y(n) at time n depends only on the present and past inputs then s uch a system is called nonrecursive.

28 Examples: The nonrecursive system: The recursive system:

Linear-Discrete Time Time-Invariant Systems (LTI Systems) Time-Domain Representation

30 LTI system unit impulse impulse response LTI system description by convolution (convolution sum): Viewed mathematically, the convolution operation satisfies the commutative law Impulse Response and Convolution

Step Response unit step step response unit-step response These expressions relate the impulse response to the step response of the system. LTI system

Impulse Response Property and Classification of LTI Systems Causal LTI Systems A relaxed LTI system is causal if and only if its impulse response is zero for negative values of n, i.e. Then, the two equivalent forms of the convolution formula can be obtained for the causal LTI system:

Stable LTI Systems A LTI system is stable if its impulse response is absolutely summable, i.e.

Finite Impulse Response (FIR) LTI Systems and Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) LTI Systems Causal FIR LTI systems: IIR LTI systems:

Recursive and Nonrecursive LTI Systems Causal nonrecursive LTI: Causal recursive LTI: LTI systems: characterized by constant-coefficient difference equations

Frequency-Domain Representation of Discrete Signals and LTI Systems LTI system complex-valued exponencial signal impulse response LTI system output

37 LTI system output: Frequency response:


39 Magnitude response: Phase response: Group delay function:

Comments on relationship between the impulse response and frequency response The important property of the frequency response is fact that this function is periodic with period. In fact, we may view the previous expression as the exponential Fourier series expansion for, with h(k) as the Fourier series coefficients. Consequently, the unit impulse response h(k) is related to through the integral expression

Comments on symmetry properties For LTI systems with real-valued impulse response, the magnitude response, phase responses, the real component of and the imaginary component of possess these symmetry properties: The real component: even function of periodic with period The imaginary component: odd function of periodic with period

42 The magnitude response: even function of periodic with period The phase response: odd function of periodic with period Consequence: If we known and for, we can describe these functions ( i.e. also ) for all values of.

43 Symmetry PropertiesEVEN ODD

Comments on Fourier Transform of Discrete Signals and Frequency-Domain Description of LTI Systems LTI system impulse response frequency response input signal output signal

45 The input signal x(n) and the spectrum of x(n): The output signal y(n) and the spectrum of y(n): The impulse response h(n) and the spectrum of h(n): Frequency-domain description of LTI system:

Comments on Normalized Frequency It is often desirable to express the frequency response of an LTI system in terms of units of frequency that involve sampling interval T. In this case, the expressions: are modified to the form:

47 is periodic with period, where is sampling frequency. Solution: normalized frequency approach: Example:

Transform-Domain Representation of Discrete Signals and LTI Systems

Z -Transform Since Z – transform is an infinite power series, it exists only for those values of z for which this series converges. The region of convergence of X(z) is the set of all values of z for which X(z) attains a finite value. Definition: The Z – transform of a discrete-time signal x(n) is defined as the power series: where z is a complex variable. The above given relations are sometimes called the direct Z - transform because they transform the time-domain signal x(n) into its complex-plane representation X(z).

50 The procedure for transforming from z – domain to the time-domain is called the inverse Z – transform. It can be shown that the inverse Z – transform is given by where C denotes the closed contour in the region of convergence of X(z) that encircles the origin.

Transfer Function Application of the Z-transform to this equation under zero initial conditions leads to the notion of a transfer function. The LTI system can be described by means of a constant coefficient linear difference equation as follows

52 LTI System input signal Transfer function: the ratio of the Z - transform of the output signal and the Z - transform of the input signal of the LTI system: output signal

53 LTI system: the Z-transform of the constant coefficient linear difference equation under zero initial conditions: The transfer function of the LTI system: H(z): may be viewed as a rational function of a complex variable z (z -1 ).

Poles, Zeros, Pole-Zero Plot Let us assume that H(z) has been expressed in its irreducible or so-called factorized form: Pole-zero plot: the plot of the zeros and the poles of H(z) in the z-plane represents a strong tool for LTI system description. Zeros of H(z): the set {z k } of z-plane for which H(z k )=0 Poles of H(z): the set {p k } of z -plane for which

55 Example: the 4-th order Butterworth low-pass filter, cut off frequency. z 1 = , z 2 = j z 3 = j, z 4 = b =[ ] a =[ ] p 1 = j, p 2 = j p 3 = j, p 4 = j

56 Magnitude Response: Linear Scale Phase Response

57 Magnitude Response: Logarithmic Scale (dB) Group Delay Function

58 Pole-Zero Plot Unit Circle Poles Zeros

59 Pole-Zero Plot: Zeros

Transfer Function and Stability of LTI Systems Condition: LTI system is BIBO stable if and only if the unit circle falls within the region of convergence of the power series expansion for its transfer function. In the case when the transfer function characterizes a causal LTI system, the stability condition is equivalent to the requirement that the transfer function H(z) has all of its poles inside the unit circle.

61 Example 1: stable system Example 2: unstable system

62 Z – Domain: transfer function Frequency – Domain: frequency response Time – Domain: constant coefficient linear difference equation LTI System Description. Summary h(n) Z Z -1 FT -1 FT

63 Z – Domain: transfer function Time – Domain: impulse response Frequency – Domain: frequency response