Insert picture facebook WallPhotosFlairBoxesLogout View photos of Send a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Write something… Share Information Networks: where is company located in today’s world Birthday: research online Political: research online Religion: research online Hometown: research online Friends Insert 5-6 pictures and quotes by your person or their friends that tell historical information Insert pictures of their spouse, children or the other 5 industrialist you didn’t research
Personal Information Insert Picture facebook WallPhotosFlairBoxesLogout View photos of ( ) Send a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Basic Information Information Networks: city where their company is in today’s world Birthday: research online Political: research online Religion: research online Hometown: research online Photos Networks: city where their company is in today’s world Sex: research online Birthday: research online Hometown: research online Relationship Status: research online Political Views: research online Religious Views: research online Activities: research online Interests: research online (ex: if they worked in a bank you might say “counting money” etc…) Favorite Music: research popular music from the era that your person was alive, 1-2 Favorite Movies: find movies in today’s world that deal with what ever job made them rich, 1-2 (if they were a soldier in the 1800’s, put the movie “black hawk down” etc…in this spot Favorite TV Shows: find tv shows in today’s world that deal with what ever job made them rich, 1-2 (ie: if they were a sheriff in the 1800’s, put the show “cops” etc… in this spot Favorite Books: research popular books from the era that your person was alive, 1-2 The Family Updated White House Updated Contact Information Address: Address for their company in today’s world Phone Number: Phone # for their company in today’s world Insert 2-4 pictures
Insert pictures of their family, friends, etc… facebook WallPhotosFlairBoxesLogout WallInfoPhotosBoxes Insert 6-8 photos of the person doing their job of anything historical Photos of Your person’s name Albums Photo Alums