Project choices (while waiting to be tested): - Work on Introducing Yourself - -Work on your ASL Music Video Interpretation - -Study hall if done with exam Welcome ASL 1! Doorbuster- have your gloss ready for tests!
ASL 3 – Welcome! Today- Doorbuster (5 min.) - either sign from across the room, or get up and sign to each other: Find out who has the birthday closest to your birthday- I will ask you what you found out Children’s story time--- glosses and creative planning (remember you need pictures/video of the book showing, and you need at least one of each expansion technique in your story) *Note: we are in the computer lab Monday, so I would like to see a gloss ready by the end of Monday, so you can practice it in the last ten minutes of Monday- for the daily grade credit. I can then help you improve it as needed.
Welcome ASL 2! Some Tests today! Doorbuster (10 min.)- room signing practice- have yours ready
ASL 2 Room signing & next week: Composition book, Unit 13 Receptive Practice: During practice today, watch and write down 5 signs you see (if possible, choose those that you need to review) When they are finished- give feedback (could you understand where the items were placed?) Signing Your Room- Options: You may sign it during class (or D Hawk Time if pre-arranged) -- Sit in my “Gallaudet chair” and sign your room, or I can come to your aisle and watch you sign. Come before /after school to sign it. During Room signings: Daily Assignment; Music Video preparation; Music Video filming next week
ASL 2 Next Week: Rooms & music video: Monday: Computer Lab- bring headphones if desired (will be quiet) room exams signed Music Video glosses completed/drafted (I need to see for a daily grade) Tuesday: classroom- more room tests; learn signs for Music video; last ten minutes: everyone practice their music video glosses- I need to see for a daily grade). Reminder: You are responsible for having your own copy of your music video gloss. Reminder: Music Videos will be viewed by the class as I grade them. Music videos will be filmed by end of next week (at school or at home) Music videos will be filmed by end of next week (at school or at home)
Project choices (while waiting to be tested, if assignment is finished): - Work on your room - -Work on your ASL Music Video Interpretation- quietly - -Study hall - ***Parameters Assignment if we have time Welcome ASL 2! Tests today! Doorbuster (10 min.)- room signing practice- have yours ready