Please sit in your birthday month area. enero – marzo abril – junio enero – marzo abril – junio enero – marzo oct – dici. abril – junio enero – marzo oct – dici. abril – junio julio- sept.
ALC 78 Hoy es lunes el 12 de mayo. Write 7 facts about Cinco de mayo that you learned the last class period. Or Draw 5 pictures about Cinco de mayo and label them.
Objetivos Hoy es lunes el 12 de mayo. Content objective I can say and write where I am going and why I am going there. Language objective I can use the pictures on the wall as a speaking and writing prompt.
Calificar la ALC Un cuadro completado = 10 puntos Una estampilla = 1 punto de crédito extra. Total de puntos = 160 puntos. Por favor, entreguen los papeles a la mesa en orden. Necesitan una hoja de asignación.
Bienvenida Do the beinvenida with your cards and a person of your choice from your section. Write the time in a blank space on your partner clock. Make sure all times are highlighted. Each time = 5 points. Please score and turn in your partner clock.
Hoja de asignación # nombre lunes el 12 de mayo español clase ¿Adónde vas? final
Subtítulo – Escuchar y escribir
1.You will have one minute to read the paragraph to your partner. 2.Your partner will need to copy down the paragraph exactly as it is shown on the screen. 3.You may help correct any mistakes your partner makes before the time is up. 4.You will receive one point per word.
Front row please turn and face the back row.
Vamos a la playa. La bomba estalló. Las radiaciones tuestan Y matizan de azul.
Cambiar el asiento
Vamos a la playa. Todos con sombrero. El viento radioactivo Despeina los cabellos.
Please turn the desks back around.
Answer the question on your paper. ¿Cuántas veces repiten “Vamos a la playa.” en la canción?
Calificar 1.Please count the words you have written correctly (14 points) 2.If you answered 30 for the times you heard Vamos a la playa, add another point 3.There are 15 points possible.
Please move the U shape toward the center of the room so that there are two – three squares behind the back row.
Subtítulo - Hablar
On your paper write … ¿Pregunta?Respuesta.
What to do 1.You will need to exchange papers with your partner. 2.Go and stand by a picture. 3.Decide who will ask the questions first and who will respond. 4.You will ask where you partner is going as you stand by the picture. Your partner will respond where they are going and why. 5.Mark on the paper if the question is asked correctly in Spanish/if the response was correct in Spanish. 6.½ way around the room, reverse the rolls. 7.When you are finished, return to your seat, count the tally marks, write the score and return the paper to your partner.
Total your tally marks for the questions and responses. 20 points possible. Return the paper to your partner.
Subtítulo - Escribir
What to do 1.Number you paper Choose any 15 pictures around the room to write about. 3.Write “where you are going” and “why” on your paper for all places around the room. 4.Use correct grammatical skills; capitalize, spell, punctuate. 5.You may get out of your seat and go stand near the picture if needed. 6.Take something to write on if you leave your seat. 7.Please do this on your own and do not talk to anyone. 8.When you finish, have your paper checked by Sr. Slade before you talk.
What to do 1.Choose any 15 pictures around the room to write about. 2.Write “where you are going” and “why” on your paper for all places around the room. 3.Use correct grammatical skills; capitalize, spell, punctuate. 4.Please number sentence you write according to the number on the picture.. 5.You may get out of your seat and go stand near the picture if needed. 6.Take something to write on if you leave your seat. 7.Please do this on your own and do not talk to anyone.