Welcome Back To School Mrs. Gillman Second Grade Room 11
All About Me I am so excited to be your teacher this year!! I was born and raised in Ogden. I just moved from Clearfield and now live in Farmington with my husband, our 2 kids Bradan who is in 6 th grade, Ali who is in 4 th grade, our cat PeggySue and our puppy Lily
Teaching I love teaching! I have been doing it now for 12 years. 10 of them were in 3 rd grade at South Clearfield. I taught 2 nd grade before that at Stewart Elementary so it is fun to be back in 2 nd ! I also just finished my Masters degree in Educational Technology.
Things I Love Sports – Drag racing, swimming, basketball, volleyball, football, soccer, and softball are just a few! – Here’s the family race car, where I spent may Friday nights watching Dad drag race.
Reading Fox in Socks by Dr. Seuss is my favorite but I love most books!
You in 2nd grade! In second grade you will have so much fun!! We will learn the seven habits of a healthy student. We will be working together to be part of a team. We will be learning all kinds of new things. We will be going on field trips! We will have lots of guest teachers and wonderful parent teachers We will be celebrating everyone’s birthday.
Team Work We will be working together as a team T-- together E --everyone A--achieves M--more
What will we be learning? In 2 nd grade we will be learning Math Science –rocks Social Studies Language Arts Health --Art Music P.E. Computers Library Skills
Field Trips We will be going on two field trip this year. Here are some pictures from previous field trips. Don’t they look like FUN!!!
Guest Teachers Each year we have several guest teachers in our classroom.
Birthdays We will celebrate everyone’s birthday in class. If you have a summer birthday (June, July, or August) we will celebrate your half birthday instead. If you would like to bring a treat you may. Treats must be commercially prepared, which means that they have to be bought at a store.
We are on the road to learning! We are already on the road to learning! We are going to have a great year and you will learn lots and lots. Remember Mrs. Gillman and your parents can give you all the tools to be a successful student, but ultimately its up to YOU!! Are you ready to be the best that you can be?
Any Questions?