January February March April
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НАЗОВИ ПОРЯДОК БУКВ 1)What is the number of the letter B? 2)What is the number of the letter I? 3)What is the number of the letter R? 4)What is the number of the letter T? 5)What is the number of the letter H? 6)What is the number of the letter D? 7)What is the number of the letter A? 8)What is the number of the letter Y?
21 October
3 May
15 February
26 July
9 September
1. – песня Happy Birthday, фон, подарок, роза, 5. color.com/image/coloring/flowers/001/flowers-006/flowers- 006-picture-color.jpg - цветок, color.com/image/coloring/flowers/001/flowers-006/flowers- 006-picture-color.jpg 6. – пчёлка, happy birthday, 8. – Микки Маус, 9. – Винни Пух, – Дональд Дак, Гарфилд,
m.staticedi.com/c/886/b7f28_m_640_480_ffffff_0_0_0_0_0_0_886874b9ff 274cb6d6657fbc8f694b82.jpg - Гарфилд, 1.m.staticedi.com/c/886/b7f28_m_640_480_ffffff_0_0_0_0_0_0_886874b9ff 274cb6d6657fbc8f694b82.jpg Том, торт, – Плуто, – Микки Маус, – Дональд Дак, /Dumbo-HQ.JPG - Дамбо, /Dumbo-HQ.JPG – Good bye! 20. М.З. Биболетова, Н.Н. Трубанева Enjoy English: Учебник для 3 класса общеобразовательных учреждений - Обнинск: Титул, 2013