Book: Algorithms on strings, trees and sequences by Dan Gusfield Presented by: Amir Anter and Vladimir Zoubritsky
Given a string P called pattern and a longer string T called the text, the exact matching problem is to find all occurrences, if any, of pattern P in text T.
P=aa and T=abaabaaa P occurs in T 3 times, starting at locations 3,6 and 7. ◦ Location 3: abaabaaa ◦ Location 6: abaabaaa ◦ Location 7: abaabaaa Please note that the occurrences may overlap, locations 6,7.
Grep command in Unix: ◦ grep apple fruitlist.txt Internet browsers – Find option. Biology - Searching for a string in a DNA database. Articles, online books.
1. Align the left end of P with the left end of T. 2. compares the characters of P and T left to right until: 2.1 A mismatch 2.2 P ends – An occurrence of P is reported. 3. P is shifted one place to the right. 4. If P’s right end is farther than T’s right end: Finish 5.Else Go to 2
Step 1: abaabaaa aa Step 1.1: abaabaaaa Step 1.2: abaabaaaa
Step 2: abaabaaa aa Step 2.1: abaabaaa aa
Step 3: abaabaaa aa Step 3.1: abaabaaa aa Step 3.2: abaabaaa aa Report match at location 3
Step 4: abaabaaa aa Step 4.1: abaabaaa aa Step 4.2: abaabaaa aa
Step 5: abaabaaa aa Step 5.1: abaabaaa aa
Step 6: abaabaaa aa Step 6.1: abaabaaa aa Step 6.2: abaabaaa aa Report match at location 6
Step 7: abaabaaa aa Step 7.1: abaabaaa aa Step 7.2: abaabaaa aa Report match at location 7
Step 8: abaabaaa aa End
Let P’s length be n. Let T’s length be m. Number of character comparisons in the worst case is O(nm). No additional storage is needed. 30 character string search in GenBank (DNA DB) took more than 4 hours. We will shows a linear lime algorithm, which improves this time to 10 minutes.
Given a string S and a position, let be the length of the longest substring of S that starts at i and matches a prefix of S. Equivalently: is the length of the longest prefix of S[i..|S|] that matches a prefix of S.
P – pattern of length n. T – text of length m. Let S = P$T, where $ does not appear in P and in T. S’s length is. Lets assume we have computed for at a preprocessing stage. Claim: Any value of i>n+1 such that indentifies an occurrence of P in T starting at position i-(n+1) of T. Claim: If P occurs in T starting at position j of T, then Do we really need $? (Except for USD )
For any position where, Z-box at i is defined as the interval starting at i and ending at a a b c a a b x a a z
- The right-most end of any Z-box that begins up to position i-1. - A substring - some Z-box ending at. - The left end of some. i S
a a b c a a b x a a z
Our task is to compute Z values in linear time. Let’s find by comparing left to right characters of and until a mismatch is found. is the length of the matching string.
Let’s assume we have all Z values to k-1. The idea is to use already computed Z values to compute.
xx Let’s assume
Example - JavaScript Example - JavaScript
Case 1: K>r
Case 2.a
Case 2.b
Do we really need $ ? By definition, is the length of the longest prefix of S[i..|S|] that matches a prefix of S. If P length is n, indicates an occurrence of P in T, in case S=P$T and also in case S=PT. The answer is no, it terms of correctness.
So why to use $? Using $ ensures a limit of n for the values of In The algorithm we use some and to compute the current. We need only additional space. is not bearable.
iterations Number of compressions: ◦ Each mismatch ends an iteration. Max total of mismatches for the entire algorithm. ◦ Each match increments the value of r at least by 1. ◦ number of matches comparisons for the entire algorithm
Knuth-Morris-Pratt (KMP) Aho–Corasick string matching algorithm ◦ Is a generalization of KMP. ◦ Set of patterns in linear time. Boyer-Moore ◦ Typically runs in sublinear time. ◦ It is used in practice for exact matching. ◦ Worst case linear.
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