Prepared by Minh Trí (November-2009)
AUG Ratio SEPT Ratio OCT Ratio New Case % %659100% Clean Case % % % Incomplete1086.2% % % ME492.8%696.2%6910.5% Declined/ Postponed 150.9%90.8%152.3% Cancel60.3%60.5%10.2% NEW BUSINESS
SOLUTIONS FOR INCOMPLETE *Lack of Signature on document *Not fulfill all question on app form (Health Declaration) *Lack of family history *Others reason (For ex: wrong BDO, Wrong name..) REASON - Co-operate with Training Dept to train agent directly how to finish app form. -Show some common mistake on the slide on training class -CS Manager train BDO/BM in BM Meeting SOLUTION
RENEWAL PREMIUM COLLECTION Total premium collection efficiency 48.6%. Aug, 2009 include P case+ grace period :79.7%.
A NALYSIS & SOLUTION Unpaid-cases AnalysisSolution To improve Agent recruit and education management, enhance contact quality. We need to enhance the contract quality. So we can reduce the surrender rate Building a good premium pay habits of Agents and clients to reduce payment on grade period. Enhance to talk with Agent that collector collect premium is our company main duty Agent buy insurance to achieve target/Agent resign and they don’t pay any more. Clients delay payment (involving to grade period regulation) Clients surrender (financial difficulty, relationship with agent agent resign and they surrender Require Agent collect premium, cannot contact clients.
MONTHLY TIA CHECKING -All unchecked TIAs are posted on Newspaper for Losing Advertisement -BDO have to report reasons for un-checked TIA Month 10 th 11 th 12 th Checked Ratio Unchecked TIA Checked Ratio Unchecked TIA Checked Ratio Unchecked TIA DANANG 95%1997%1099.6%01 HANOI 95%5594%7099.6%04 HCM 96%2494%4595.5%29 CANTHO 98%598.6%08 TOTAL 95.3% % %42
HOW TO REDUCE NOT-TAKEN CASE NEW REGULATION : From now SC comply with new regulation to reduce not-taken ratio: In cases, agent helps client submit at CS, the Not- taken form has to generate BM’s signature Agent will be deduct VNĐ from their account automatically. We continue inform to audit when we find out any abnormal sign regarding to cancel in free look period
CONFIRMATION CALLS SOME SOLUTIONS : * Remind BM feedback correct number twice a week * If not received any feedback CC call directly to Agent AUGUSTSEPTEMBEROCTOBER Total Case Success % Wrong Number % Other % Total Case Success % Wrong Number % Other % Total Case Success % Wrong No % Othe r % HCM D.NANG HANOI C.THO XXXXXXXX TOTAL
ACTIVITIES IN NOVEMBER 09 1.Training new Staff. 2.Manage confirmation letter. 3.Forward Confirmation Call to Audit Dept. 4.Testing new product. 5. Make regulation to improve surrender cases. 6.Using new ME regulation. 7.U/W joined training class to train new agent 8. Completed set up collector working area in HN 9.Meeting with IT & training Dept to enhance system and update information
N EXT MONTH PLAN Building collector system process (recruit new collector and supervisor) Contact directly to agent for unsuccessful confirmation call. Record all of incoming call. Finish testing new product. Develop the project to sign the contract with hospital for claim. Revise POS manual for staff. Follow up forge signature cases.