Sponsored by the National Science Foundation Cluster D Working Meetings GENI Engineering Conference 5 Seattle, WA July ,
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 2 March 31, 2009 Agenda for Tuesday, July 21 Introductions Review GENI goals for Spiral 2 Priorities for Spiral 2 –Includes review of proposed ORCA roadmap –What is critical, important and not important? –Particularly first steps in Spiral 2 Other? Cluster out-brief to plenary Exp Control Tools talk for WG
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 3 March 31, 2009 GENI Goals for Spiral 2 Goal 1: Live experiments –The central goal of Spiral 2. –Support significant numbers of research experiments in the end-to-end prototype systems. –The GPO expects live experimentation to begin near the end of Spiral 1, which will intensify through Spiral 2 as we begin continuous operation of the prototype systems. –This will begin to give us all substantial (early) operational experience, as these experiments will help us all understand the prototypes' strengths and weakness, which will drive our Spiral 3 goals.
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 4 March 31, 2009 (continued) Goal 2: Identity management Goal 3: Improved integration –Of data & control planes, within clusters Goal 4: Instrumentation Goal 5: Interoperability –Permitting clusters to access the widest number of aggregates
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 5 March 31, 2009 ORCA Spiral 2 Roadmap - 1 Ongoing ORCA code –Periodic releases (C) New features Bug fixes, support Ability to take back code from projects, and integrate Every 4 months –Better packaging, easier setup, documentation (I)
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 6 March 31, 2009 ORCA Spiral 2 Roadmap - 2 ORCA clearinghouse –Ongoing support (C) –Toggle between local and cluster brokers (start) Cluster broker for scheduling resources from multiple testbeds (mid Spiral 2) –Multiple cluster brokers for multiple resource types (start) –One broker for multiple testbeds with multiple policies (?) –What are first experiments that span multiple testbeds? Kansei federation Various testbeds to servers or cloud –How to do experiment control? Both local brokers and cluster broker –Allows local use and cluster use –Broker to broker exchanges (?)
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 7 March 31, 2009 ORCA Spiral 2 Roadmap - 3 Resource description mechanisms (C) (early Spiral 2) –In cooperation with ORBIT –Extend to all cluster projects – how? –Short form and long form. Same vocabulary. Resource discovery (I) (mid Spiral 2) –What mechanisms can be used? Static vs dynamic? Use CNRI Digital Object Registry (DOR)? –Study (I) Resource allocation policies (?) –Extended Lease feature extensions (I) –Need to be able to cancel, re-negotiate leases –Schedule resources later if not currently available –Notification if don’t get lease –Query mechanism to a broker
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 8 March 31, 2009 ORCA Spiral 2 Roadmap - 4 VLAN connections (I) (early Spiral 2) –via Internet2; need plan (I) –BEN –DOME –ViSE –Kansei VLANs stitched between multiple testbeds (I) (mid Spiral 2) –How? Should there be a VLAN service? VLANs stitched between testbeds in different clusters –When will this be required? Spiral3?
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 9 March 31, 2009 ORCA Spiral 2 Roadmap - 5 Configuration manager improvements (NI) –Beyond ANT –At both SA and SM Understand structure of experiment control tools (e.g., portal) and a Slice Manager (I) –Start with documentation for each project? What is common? –Build more common structure for experiments that span multiple testbeds? When? Interface on Service Manager for external experiment control tools (I) –For example, support ProtoGENI interface; then ORCA Service Manager appears as an Aggregate Manager to ProtoGENI –Good approach for interoperability
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 10 March 31, 2009 ORCA Spiral 2 Roadmap - 6 Instrumentation improvements (I) (end Spiral 2) –Establish repository? Learn from OMF and ORBIT? DOR? BEN –Proposal written for solicitation 2 DOME –Monitoring of the operations is there now, status, etc –Mechanism to allow experimenter to get the data off the bus there ViSE –Rudimentary monitoring of the nodes, their wireless connectivity; also xen stats –Radar 10Mbps - 100Mbps continuous time-stamped challenge KANSEI –Promised measurement for job scheduling, what nodes and links are up, etc. Embedded Real-Time Measurements –Prototype hardware, interface with BEN, interface with CF
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 11 March 31, 2009 ORCA Spiral 2 Roadmap - 7 Security mechanisms between servers (I) (early Spiral 2) –Distribution of keys –Security analysis Privacy for messages between actors? (NI) Identity management (I) –Use Shibboleth, InCommon, per RENCI sol 2 proposal Management interface (I) –Remote management –Interface to GMOC Parsing logs (NI)
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 12 March 31, 2009 Cluster Out-brief to Plenary Spiral 1 goals –Use slides from yesterday Issues –How to get researchers interested in early experiments Spiral 2 roadmap –Top few items