Key Points
Poverty is relative. Poverty occurs in all races/all countries. Economic class is a continuous line/not a clear- cut distinction. Generation & situational poverty are different. This work is based on patterns; all patterns have exceptions. Individuals bring with them hidden rules of their class. Schools operate from the middle-class norms and values.
PovertyMiddle ClassWealth PossessionsPeopleThingsOne of a kind objects or pedigrees MoneyUse or spend ManageInvest View of the World LocalNationalInternational
Poor children are more likely than non-poor children to: be in single-parent families be victims of child abuse/neglect have parents with low educational attainment
Teach effective eye movements Use graphic organizers Teach systematic approaches to the data/text (highlighting) Establish goal setting/self-talk Teach conceptual frameworks Use kinesthetic approach Use rubrics
Faculty overview Faculty study groups Designing school changes Prepare to lead in educating students of poverty