Mobile Communication Extented-EMS
Mobile Communication The Bitmap format is not always the most resource efficient way of representing images, A better way of representing images, composed of simple geometrical elements is to use a vector graphic Characteristics of these graphical elements are provided such as the radius, colour and line width for a circle. The vector graphic format is well suited for line drawings such as hand-written maps and Asian characters* Vector Graphics images in messages are using a format called WVG Vector Graphics
Mobile Communication Vector Graphics images in messages are using a format called WVG Three different methods have been defined for inserting WVG image in an EMS message. Character Size This is an image with same height as that of text characters in which it is placed. Configurable Size Is usually used for representing, in the message, an image for which the dimensions can be configured by the message originator Configurable Size Is an extended object also used for representing an image for which the dimensions are configurable. The advantage of Extended object is that the image can be divided in message segments, also compressed etc. Exchange Capability
Mobile Communication With extended EMS, devices can exchange capability information. The availability of capability information allows an originating SME to format a message according to whatever the receiving SME is capable of rendering. The capability information indicates which extended object formats are supported by the associated SME. Exchange Capability
Mobile Communication The method of exchanging capability information consists of four successive steps: Capability Request Capability Return Exchange Capability
Mobile Communication The method of exchanging capability information consists of four successive steps: Capability Request The originating SME initiates the exchange of capability information by inserting a capability request IE in a message submitted to the SMSC. The message may also contain other IE, text and EMS elements. The message would be marked “automatic deletion”. Exchange Capability
Mobile Communication The method of exchanging capability information consists of four successive steps: Capability Request The SMSC delivers the submitted message to the receiving SMSE in the normal method. Exchange Capability
Mobile Communication The method of exchanging capability information consists of four successive steps: Capability Return The receiving SME analyses the content of the delivered message and identifies the request for returning its capability information. In response, the receiving SME inserts a specific extended object IE in the corresponding delivery report. The Specific IE informs on the capabilities of the receiving device. Exchange Capability
Mobile Communication The method of exchanging capability information consists of four successive steps: Capability Return The SMSC receives the delivery report. The extended object contained in the report is copied to the associated status report and sent to the originator SME which initiated the exchange of capability information. Exchange Capability
Mobile Communication Exchange Capability