Holistic and Natural Healing By Destiny Gulnac
What is Holistic/Natural Healing?? As medical science has advanced through the year’s one thing has remained constant—the body is a whole functioning unit and has to be maintained to maintain optimal health. Holistic Healing is the process in which people (patients) choose to use natural foods, herbs, and exercises to heal themselves from illness as a whole person, and they treat the body as a complete mechanism. More and more discoveries are being made about the use of plants in the medicinal community.
Methods of Holistic Healing Holistic medicine is medicine that focuses on treating the mind, body and soul as a whole. Massage Therapy Acupuncture Aromatherapy Meditation Natural and Herbal supplements
Religion and Holistic Healing Holistic Healing is sometimes influenced by the religion practiced. The map below represents Eastern religion disbursement. Eastern religion greatly influences the practice of holistic medicine. Pink: Eastern Indian Religions Hinduism Buddhism Jainism Sikhism Yellow: Eastern Asian Religions Taoism Shinto Confucianism Asian Buddhism
Benefits of Holistic Medicine Body “A holistic approach to wellness looks beyond symptoms and includes treatments known to support energetic living and a strong immune system.”
Mind “Holistic medicine recognizes that health is in the mind as well. Attitudes, beliefs and mental health can greatly influence how a person approaches healing. These modalities, well known in the field of psychology, are increasingly being integrated into modern health plans.” Benefitsof Holistic Medicine Benefits of Holistic Medicine
Spirit “Spirituality is probably the most confusing term to enter the medical world. This is particularly useful in the treatment of life-threatening and terminal illnesses such as breast cancer. Traditional medicine cannot help relieve the tremendous mental anguish and uncertainty of those faced with a potentially terminal illness, especially when patients refuse pain-reducing medications that also rob them of vitality and mental clarity.” From: