H1 FPS + ZEUS LPS1 Regge fit, H1 FPS HERA II data 1 Parameterization of x IP and t dependences for IP and IR Fixed parameters for IR (from H1 DPDF Fits):


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Presentation transcript:

H1 FPS + ZEUS LPS1 Regge fit, H1 FPS HERA II data 1 Parameterization of x IP and t dependences for IP and IR Fixed parameters for IR (from H1 DPDF Fits): α´ IR =0.3 GeV -2, B IR =1.6 GeV -2, F 2 IR (β,Q 2 ) – π structure function (Owens), small F L D contribution is not corrected yet (→ H DPDF fit B) Free parameters: α IP (0), α´ IP, B IP, n IR, α IR (0) and IP normalization F 2 IP (β,Q 2 ) in every (β,Q 2 ) bin → 322 σ r D(4) data points, 288 degrees of freedom (DESY ) → total errors (statistical and systematic errors added in quadrature) Assume proton vertex factorization for IP and IR

H1 FPS + ZEUS LPS2 Regge fit, ZEUS LPS data 2 Fixed parameters for IR (as in ZEUS Regge Fit): α´ IR =0.9 GeV -2, B IR =2.0 GeV -2, F 2 IR (β,Q 2 ) – π structure function (Owens instead of GRV), selection of data points with y<0.5, where F L D contribution is neglected Free parameters: α IP (0), α´ IP, B IP, n IR, α IR (0) and IP normalization F 2 IP (β,Q 2 ) in every (β,Q 2 ) bin → 178 σ r D(4) data points, 153 degrees of freedom (DESY ) → total errors (statistical and systematic errors added in quadrature) Integrate over Δt bins for IP and IR

H1 FPS + ZEUS LPS3 Results of H1+ZEUS Regge fits 3 α IP (0) = ± α´ IP = ± 0.03 GeV -2 B IP = 6.3 ± 0.3 GeV -2 α IR (0) = 0.44 ± n IR ≃ 2.0, χ 2 = 514 / 450 (~1.14) ZEUS LPS Regge fit, y<0.5 (cross check) α IP (0) = ± α´ IP = 0.28 ± 0.03 GeV -2 B IP = 3.0 ± 0.3 GeV -2 α IR (0) = 0.65 ± 0.06 n IR ≃ 2.2, χ 2 = 470 / 450 (~1.05) H1+ZEUS Regge fit, IR(H1)H1+ZEUS Regge fit, IR(ZEUS) α IP (0) = 1.09 ± 0.02 α´ IP = ± 0.06 GeV -2 B IP = 7.2 ± 0.65 GeV -2 α IR (0) = 0.66 ± 0.10 n IR ≃ 1.8, χ 2 = 146 / 153 (~0.95) IR(H1)  α IP (soft) ~ 1.08 α' IP ≃ 0 → no “shrinkage” IR(ZEUS)  α IP ~ 1.18 α' IP (soft)~ 0.28 GeV -2

H1 FPS + ZEUS LPS4 x IP σ r D(4) (β,Q 2,x IP,t) DESY H1 FPS HERA II σ r D(4) as a function of β,Q 2,x IP,t (322 points) ─ H1+ZEUS Regge fit IR(H1) Χ 2 = 253 / 288 (~0.88) --- H1+ZEUS Regge fit IR(ZEUS) Χ 2 = 242 / 288 (~0.84)

H1 FPS + ZEUS LPS5 t-slope: H1 FPS HERA II DESY H1 FPS HERA II t-slope as a function of β,Q 2,x IP (108 data points) ─ H1+ZEUS Regge fit IR(H1) --- H1+ZEUS Regge fit IR(ZEUS)

H1 FPS + ZEUS LPS6 x IP σ r D(4) (β,Q 2,x IP,t) DESY ZEUS LPS σ r D(4) as a function of β,Q 2,x IP,t (182 points, no y<0.5 cut) ─ H1+ZEUS Regge fit IR(H1) Χ 2 = 262 / 157 (~1.67) --- H1+ZEUS Regge fit IR(ZEUS) Χ 2 = 229 / 157 (~1.46)

H1 FPS + ZEUS LPS7 Average t-slope as a function of x IP ─ W IR from ZEUS (β,Q 2,x IP ) points -- W IR from ZEUS (β,Q 2,x IP ) points ─ H1 FPS HERA II Regge fit  H1+ZEUS Regge fits with IR(H1) and IR(ZEUS) give different average t-slope behavior with x IP  average t-slope depends on W IR

H1 FPS + ZEUS LPS8 Average t-slope as a function of x IP --- Regge fit uncertainty band H1 FPS HERA II DESY H1 FPS HERA I DESY ZEUS LPS 2 DESY ─ H1 FPS HERA II Regge fit

H1 FPS + ZEUS LPS9 Backup: published H1 and ZEUS Regge fits 9 H1 FPS HERA-1 parameterization: α IP (0) = 1.10 ± 0.02 (exp.) ± 0.03 (model) α´ IP = 0.04 ±0.02 (exp.) ± 0.08 (model) GeV -2 B IP = 5.73 ±0.25 (exp.) ± 0.80 (model) GeV -2 ZEUS LPS Regge fit: Compare with published HERA results:  α IP (0) ≃ α IP (soft)~1.08  α' IP ≃ 0 → no “shrinkage” (α' IP (soft)~0.25 GeV -2 )  B IP consistent with hard process H1 FPS HERA-2 DESY :