Chapter 3 The Meeting of Different Worlds Vocabulary
Monarch King or Queen
Crusades Wars fought by Christians and Muslims in the Middle Ages for control of the Middle East (holy land)
Renaissance (rebirth) A time when a burst of learning took place in Europe from 1300’s – 1600’s
Magnetic Compass Device that shows which direction North is
Colony Group of people who move to a new land and are governed by their native land
Conquistador Spanish word for conqueror
Circumnavigate to travel around; sail around the world
Columbian Exchange the transfer of people, products and ideas between Europe and the America’s
Encomienda Right given by the Spanish government that allowed Spanish settlers to demand labor or taxes from Native Americans
Plantation farm worked by laborers who live on the property
Middle Passage Ocean trip from Africa to the Americas in which thousands of enslaved African died
Mercantilism economic theory that colonies existed to make the home country wealthy and powerful American Colonies England Raw Materials— wood, cotton, etc. Manufactured goods—Furniture, clothing
Northwest Passage A waterway through or around North America
Coureurs de bois French term that referred to European traders who lived and worked with the Native Americans
Alliance an agreement between parties that benefits them both