Warm-Up What did the 'Birth of Agriculture' allow the early people to do?
1 A Changing World
Expanding Horizons After the fall of Roman Empire… European world dominated by Catholic Church But Holy Land now dominated by Islam Christians fear Islam in Holy Land = loss of Holy Land 1095CE- Europeans launch Crusades 9 wars of Christians trying to boot Muslims out 1 st contact w/ Arab world Arab traders sold goods from China and India Salt, spices, sugar, silks, etc. No refrigeration yet Salt and spices preserve meat 1296CE- Marco Polo returns from China Brings back all kinds of goodies never seen Begins writing book about his trip and coolness of Asia Inspires Columbus (supposedly) Most Important? Why?
Growth of Trade Traders could make a fortune selling these goods Rich Europeans wanted these spices, perfumes, silks and stones Cost was high because of “middlemen” Travel over land was expensive and dangerous Thieves waited along “Silk Road” Began to look for all-water route to bypass Arab merchants and thieves by road 2 Options Around Africa Sailing West to get East Earth is a sphere Why take to the sea?
The Renaissance 1300’s- Powerful renewal of intellectual and artistic creativity French word meaning ‘rebirth’ Began in Italy but spread across Europe over next 200 years Renaissance changes way Europeans think of themselves and world Encouraged them to pursue new ideas and set goals Gives birth to ‘Age of Exploration’ and discovery Visual Vocab
The Perfect Storm Need 4 Spices, esp SALT (cut out the Middle Men) + Dangers of the Silk Road (look for another way) + Renaissance Thinking (willingness to TRY new ideas) + King’s Desire 4 POWER (control trade route-control trade. Control trade-gain more $$$. More $$$-more POWER.) + Better Technology (compass, astrolabe, rudder, caravel ships) + ______________________________________ Equals What? AGE OF EXPLORATION!!!
Powerful Nations Emerge 1400’s- population begins to increase Merchants want more $$$ Think if they can cut out middlemen make larger profit Up till now Europe patchwork of small countries Political power divided among local rulers 1400’s- powerful monarchs take over Spain, Portugal, England, France Began to est. national laws, courts, taxes, and armies New powerful kings looking for ways to increase trade, power, and wealth Mercantilism VisVoc
Technology’s Impact Better Maps Problem for early navigators going off of mistaken info from traders and travelers Gradually got better Using reports of explorers New maps showed current directions Showed lines of latitude Better tools invented to help Astrolabe Measured position of stars to determine location Acquired magnetic compass from Chinese Could determine direction of sailing Better Ships Advances in ship design Allow for long, ocean voyages Stern rudder and triangular sail Possible to sail against current, & into wind Stole idea from Arabs Late 1400’s- Portugal invents 3- masted caravel Ship w/ 3 sails Faster and could carry more supplies Float in shallow water Spain and Portugal want their piece of spice trade from Italy Begin race to find all-water route to Asia around Africa Starts “Age of Exploration” How Technology?