1 DOHA WORK PROGRAMME CURRENT SITUATION AND ISSUES FOR PAKISTAN Presentation at the EC-Pakistan TRTA Seminar at Islamabad By Dr. Manzoor Ahmad Ambassador and PR of Pakistan to the WTO, Geneva
2 After 6 years of Doha Round negotiations, draft modalities on agriculture and NAMA circulated on 17 July Preliminary discussions show that members are closing gaps on most issues relating to Agriculture while on key issues of NAMA (coefficients) serious differences remain.
3 Agriculture Negotiations more advanced on Export Competition, less so on Domestic Support and Market Access. Complete elimination of Export Subsidies by For Overall Trade Distorting Support (OTDS) cuts between 66-73% proposed. This implies cut of US OTDS from $ 48.2 billion to between $ 16.4 to 13 billion
4 For greater Market Access, average tariff cuts of 54% proposed for developed countries. For developing countries, cuts of two thirds of developed countries. Developed countries can designate 4-6% of dutiable tariff lines as “Sensitive” products. Not much progress on Special Products (SP), tariff escalation, preference erosion.
5 IMPLICATIONS FOR PAKISTAN Improved market access and higher export prices for rice, ethanol, horticulture and other agricultural products. According to ADB study, removal of subsidies on cotton would mean 2 million farmers getting out of poverty. Very little impact on our current agricultural import tariffs.
6 NON AGRICULTURAL MARKET ACCESS (NAMA) Tariff cuts with coefficients of 8 or 9 for developed countries and a figure between for developing countries. Flexibility for developing countries to apply less than formula cut for 10% or no cut for 5% tariff lines. Implementation period of 5 years for developed countries and 9 years for developing countries.
7 IMPLICATIONS FOR PAKISTAN Tariffs on our major exports (textile and clothing) to be cut from the current % to less than 7% in US and EU. If a coefficient of 23 is agreed for developing countries, our import tariffs to be reduced to 15% or less over the next 9 years. For sensitive industries such as automobiles and some consumer goods, no lowering of existing applied tariffs.