Read and spell the words: 1 图表;图解 2 火山 3 爆发;喷发 4 飓风 5 任命 6 设备 7 评估 8 喷泉 9 绝对的 10 波浪 11 实在的;实际的 12 潜在性;可能性 13 头盔 14 在旁边 15 数据库 16 问卷 17 全部焚毁 18 前往 1 diagram/graph.


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Presentation transcript:

Read and spell the words: 1 图表;图解 2 火山 3 爆发;喷发 4 飓风 5 任命 6 设备 7 评估 8 喷泉 9 绝对的 10 波浪 11 实在的;实际的 12 潜在性;可能性 13 头盔 14 在旁边 15 数据库 16 问卷 17 全部焚毁 18 前往 1 diagram/graph 2 volcano 3 erupt-eruption 4 hurricane 5 appoint- appointment 6 equipment 7 evaluate- evaluation 8 fountain 9 absolute(ly) 10 wave 11 actual 12 potential 13 helmet 14 alongside 15 database 16 questionnaire 17 burn to the ground 18 make one’s way to

Unit 5 The power of nature great natural disasters







typhoon/ cyclone/ hurricane

snow slide


Volcano is one of those great natural disasters. Have you ever seen a volcano? What do you know about it?

Active volcano 活火山 Dormant volcano 休眠火山 Extinct volcano 死火山

Boiling rock erupts from the crater; the lava flows slowly down the mountain. Magma chamber 岩浆房 Lava Crater Ash cloud/volcanic ash

Do you want to be a volcanologist ? Do a quiz on p33 If you answered “yes” to all these questions, volcanologist could be a good career for you..

Reading An exciting job

Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Description of his job as a volcanologist Description of his first sight of an eruption His love for his job and volcanoes Para 1-2 Para 3-4 Para 5

Part1 (para. 1-2) Description of his job as a volcanologist Why is a volcanologist’s job important? Because a volcanologist helps to protect people from the volcano and can save many lives. What kind of work should a volcanologist do? 2. Where is Mount Kilauea?Mount Kilauea Collect information about the volcano and evaluate the information to help other scientist to predict where lava from the volcano will flow next and how fast it will flow. It’s in Hawaii.

Mount Kilauea It is Hawaii's youngest and yet most active volcano. It first erupted in January 1983 and has been active ever since.

Part2 (para.3-4) Description of his first sight of an eruption 1.What made the author realize that an eruption occurred? 2.What did they do after the eruption? 3. What qualities do you think a volcanologist should have? 4. Why is the lava that flows on Mount Kilauea more dangerous than the actual eruption ? 1. My bed__2. I heard__ 3. My bed-room became __4. Red hot lava was __hundreds of metres into the air 5. It was _____

1. What made the author realize that an eruption occurred? 1. My bed ____________ 2. I heard________________ 4. Red hot lava was ___________hundreds of metres into the air 5. It was ___________________________ began shaking a strange sound 3. My bed-room became _________________as bright as day an absolutely fantastic sight fountaining

2. What did the scientists do after the eruption? 2. Put on white protective suits helmets, big boots and special gloves 1. Dropped as close as possible to the crater 3. Slowly made our way to the edge of the crater 4. Looked down into the red, boiling centre 5. Climbed down into the crater to collect some lava

3. What qualities do you think a volcanologist should have? cautious, enthusiastic, brave, smart, careful, calm, helpful, strong determined, out-going, optimistic, unselfish, courageous, patient, healthy, passionate …

4. Why is the lava that flows on Mount Kilauea more dangerous than the actual eruption ? Because no one lives near the top of Mount Kilauea. Because the lava flows slowly down the mountain and buries everything in its path.

Part3 (para.5) His love for his job and volcanoes How do you know that the writer likes his job? Find out your supporting words or phrases. be enthusiastic about be amazed at beauty

EX. 2 ON P64 mild, circumstance, flood, catastrophe, steadily, casual, average, widespread, electrical, motor, advocated, put up with, kept on Using structures: 1. It was in 1996 that the first children’s conference on the environment was organized in Australia. 2.It is children that/ who run Millennium Kids.

Ex. 2 1.Indeed, it was four Australia children who/ that started it in 1996 when they organized the first children’s environmental conference. 2.It is at this conference that we decide which projects we want to work on in the following year. 3.It was through one of these projects about five years ago that I first became involved in Millennium Kids.

Phrases and words: p33 1 a volcano erupting 火山爆发 P93 火山的词汇 2 think about 考虑 3 compared with/to … 与 …… 相比 4 powerful adj. 反 powerless have the power to do sth 有能力做某事 5 protect… from… 保护 …… 免受 …… 6 natural forces 自然界的力量 7 imagine doing 想像做某事 enjoy doing dislike doing 联想其他加 doing 的动词有哪些?

8 a live volcano 活火山 9 in order to do: so as to do (不用于句首) 为了 10 the boiling rock 沸腾的岩石 the red, boiling center 红色的沸腾的中央 (见 36 行) boiling water 沸水 the molten rock 熔化的岩石 ( 见 19 行 ) melt  melted  melted/ molten 11 be suitable for 适合 12 as well as 还有 见 40 行 13 take risks = take a risk 冒险 14 make up 组成 consist of = be made up of 由 …… 组成 15 adventure n. 冒险 career n. 事业;职业;生涯 surface n. 表面

para. 1 1 work alongside/ with people from all over the world 与 来自全世界的人一起工作 2 occasionally dangerous 有时 / 偶尔是危险的 3 feel alive 感到有活力 4 The most important thing about… is that… 关于 …… 最重要的是 …… 5 ordinary people 普通百姓 common people 普通人

Para. 2 1 be appointed as… 被任命为 2 collect and evaluate the information 收集并评估信息 3 save many lives 拯救了很多生命 save one’s life 4 in the path of the lava 在熔岩的流经之地 in one’s path ( 见 19 行 ) 5 move… out of the way 把 …… 从路上搬离 6 be covered with 被 …… 覆盖 Para.3 1 erupt from 从 …… 喷发出来 an eruption from 见 28 行 2 This is because… 这是因为 That is why… 那就是为什么

3 cause far more damage 导致更多损害 修饰比较级的词有: a little, a bit, far, any(33 行有 any closer), even, much (30 行有 a much closer look) 4 fall/ be fast asleep 迅速入睡 5 take notice (of…) 注意。。。 6be about to do… when… 正要做 …… 这时突然 …… be doing… when… 正在做 …… 这时突然 …… 7run out of 用完;耗尽;跑出 …… 8in the distance 在远处 9 hundreds of 成百上千的

Para.4 1 be lucky enough to do… 足够幸运做 …… 2 have a look at: look at have a much closer look at … 更近距离地观察 … 3 as close as possible to … 尽可能靠近 …… 4 put on 穿上 5 look like 看起来像 6 protective suits 防护服 in these suits 穿着这些防护服 7 It is not easy to do… 8 look down into… 往下看 …… 9 the other two 另外两个

Para. 5 1 be enthusiastic about… 对 …… 热情 2 be amazed at … 对 …… 感到吃惊 3 have the potential to do 有做 …… 的潜力