November SUMMARY TECHNICAL STATUS (1 of 4) 1.Navigation WG Goal: Development of standard formats for the interagency exchange of data required for spacecraft tracking and attitude/orbit determination. Working Group Status: Active _X__ Idle ____ Working Group Summary Situation: Working Group Summary progress: Charts 3-5 Problems and Issues: None status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM comment:Here WG REPORT
November NAVIGATION WG REPORT NOV 2004 SUMMARY TECHNICAL STATUS (2 of 4) Progress since Spring 2004 workshop: -Provided reports to the CESG detailing implementation activities for the exchange of orbit data messages. A requirement to qualify a CCSDS Recommendation. -The CCSDS R-3, Orbit Data Messages, Red Book, was finalized in early June and submitted for acceptance as an official CCSDS Recommendation. CMC approval was granted in late September Continued discussions, via and telecons, with WG members to follow up ongoing work for ADM, TDM, SANA, Security and external interfaces. -Participated in the SANA BOF meeting at Boulder, Colorado, July CSS investigating use of stream-oriented protocol for tracking data transmission. Nav WG expecting details to provide feedback on this concept. -Completed five updated versions to the tracking data message white book, and the navigation green book. Both currently under review by the working group. -Provided comments to the CSS tracking service white book. -Presented a technical paper at the Space Flight Dynamics conference 2004, Munich. Title: Exchange of Standardized Flight Dynamics Data. -Members of the WG held a target of opportunity meeting at Munich, Oct Completed two drafts of the XML white book on formats for navigation data. In review.
November NAVIGATION WG REPORT NOV 2004 SUMMARY TECHNICAL STATUS (3 of 4) Progress since Spring 2004 workshop: -Per request from a USAF contractor, provided copy of the draft TDM white book (version August 2004). The US Air Force Satellite Control Network is considering the use of CCSDS standards for interoperability purposes. -Provided updated Nav WG charter to AD. -Per request from INPE, the technical editor provided a copy of the new ODM Recommendation, for use by a Brazilian project. Also, per request from INPE, provided material pertaining to the activities of the Nav WG. -The old Radio Metric and Orbit Data blue book, B-1, was formally retired and placed in the CCSDS historical archive.
November NAVIGATION WG REPORT NOV 2004 SUMMARY TECHNICAL STATUS (4 of 4) Fall 2004 workshop accomplishments: Conducted a detailed review of all Navigation WG documentation, in progress: Green Book; XML specification white book for all navigation data messages; Tracking Data Messages white book; and Attitude Data Messages white book. Assessed future activity schedule. Considering possible requirements for future standards to support spacecraft to spacecraft navigation data exchanges. Supported MOIMS Area Plenary meeting and presented WG report.
November A.Issue 1: Process to start a new work item when another WG makes a request needs to be defined. OTHER ISSUES AND CONCERNS A.Issue 1: Suggest for the CESG and CMC to agree on a process to expedite approval of qualified red books to blue books status. Issue 2: Suggest announcing schedule of CCSDS series to all WG’s as early as possible. CROSS-AREA TECHNICAL ISSUES NAVIGATION WG REPORT NOV 2004
November PROPOSED RESOLUTIONS AND ACTIONS FOR CESG/CMC APPROVAL RESOLUTION 1 The Navigation WG is pleased to express appreciation to CNES for their excellent and gracious hosting of this workshop. NAVIGATION WG REPORT NOV 2004
November NAVIGATION WG REPORT NOV 2004 Participants F. Flores-Amaya (NASA/GSFC) D. Berry (NASA/JPL) R. Chen (NASA/GSFC) R. Kiehling (DLR) J. Foliard (CNES) Y. Iwana (JAXA) F. Martinez (ESA/GMV) S. Pallaschke (ESA/ESOC) M. Woodard (NASA/GSFC)