Lesson objective To understand the purpose of rules.
Why do we need rules? Write some ideas down here.
Who makes rules? Can you think of some people?
If you were riding a bike the rules would be: Make sure you wear protective clothing. Make sure that you hold both handle bars. You should keep your feet on the pedals. You must not cycle on the pavement. You must obey the highway code.
Rules are important. They help and guide us to do the right things for our own benefit.
Write a set of rules for the school.
Subject: RE Area of Study: Rules Lesson: 1 Year Group: Year 5 Learning Objective To understand the purpose of rules. Lesson Introduction Slide 1-cover slide Slide 2-Talk about the lesson objective. Slides 3-Brainstorm why we need to have rules Slide 4- Brainstorm who makes rules in school, at home, in the community, in the country and in the world. Slide 5-Talk together about the rules when riding a bike. Slide 6 and 7-Recall the importance of rules. Discuss the task. Lesson Activities Children make up their own rules for the school and produce a poster to display around the school. Plenary Children present and discuss their posters to the class.