Innovation to Development
Computer Assisted Lab (CAI) Students Computer access through a port Dependent on a remote server (Intranet)
Exposure to computer technology Leads to adoption in Correctional Ed (CAI Lab) Intranet established Educational growth in GED Certifications Need for technology upgrade Pseudo- inter net = Moodle
Moodle Inception to Innovation Moodle Launched 1/26/2006 Member- users 898,335 4/15/2010 Microsoft releases add-in 4/7/2010 Open Source Course Management System Software Jan ’06Jan ’07Jan -08Jan ’09Jan ’10Apr, ‘10
Prior Conditions Single Desk top unit connected to single server Felt Needs Problem Innovation Norms of Social systems Knowledge Socio-economic Personality variables Communication Behaviors Persuasion Characteristics Seek information What will it do? How will it be developed Consider implementation Adoption Re-Invention or Modification
Adoption Moodle meets all Perceived needs Re-Invention (Tweeking) Moodle needs adjustment to environment Rejection Mood not viable at this time
Limits programming and depends on remote technology Mainframe may be able to simulate real world needs for returning students* Simulation trains students for eventual inter-net use
Remote Main Frame