Idaho Poll Worker Training Election Day Registration
November 4, ,655 Idaho Voters Registered on Election Day
Election Day Registration Procedures are Critical
“Poll workers protect the integrity of Idaho elections by knowing and following all legal procedures ” Ben Ysursa Idaho Secretary of State Chief Election Official
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Election Day Registration Training for Idaho Poll Workers Carefully Review the Voter Registration Card
Use the registration card to Register to vote in Idaho Re-Register to vote in Idaho Re-Registration is required when a name or address has changed
Requirements to Register A United States Citizen who has resided in Idaho and in the county for 30 days prior to Election Day and is at least 18 years old the day of the Election
Wh o Cannot Register? A person who has been convicted of a felony and has not had their voting rights restored In Idaho voting rights are automatically restored on completion of full sentence including probation and/or parole
False Information = Perjury Registrants should be made aware giving false information is perjury and punishable by possible imprisonment and fine of up to $50,000
On Election Day Set up one line for Registered Voters Set up a separate line for Election Day Registration
Is the registrant in the correct precinct? A person can only vote in the precinct in which they reside
A Person Unable to Write May ask for assistance from a person of their choice or a poll worker They may sign with an “X” or a stamp or other mark and the registration judge will print their name on the signature line
Completing the Card Read all instructions Print clearly in black ink Fill in all 8 boxes Check carefully Sign & date the card
8 Boxes
Box 1 Instruct the registrant to clearly print Last Name, First Name, Middle Name
Box 1 -Note Perjury Warning-
Box 2 Instruct the registrant to clearly print Idaho Driver’s License or Idaho Identification Number
Box 2 If no Idaho Driver’s License or Identification Card instruct the registrant to fill in the last 4 digits of their social security number
Box 2 If the person has none of these identifications instruct the registrant to check the box “I have not been issued an Idaho DL or SSN”
Box 3 Instruct the registrant to check the citizenship box Yes or No and check the legal age box Yes or No
Box 3 Do not complete the form if “No” to either question is checked
Box 4 Instruct the registrant to print their Date of Birth, their residence in Idaho in years and months and check the appropriate gender box
Box 4 Telephone number is optional information but extremely helpful for the Clerk’s Office
Box 5 Instruct the registrant to clearly print their residence address (their street address)
Box 5 Post office boxes and business addresses are not allowed
Box 5 If there is no street address instruct the registrant to describe their location of residence by cross streets or other physical description
Box 5 Instruct the registrant to print mailing address and address where previously registered
Box 6 Instruct the registrant to check the box if their name has changed and clearly print their previous name and address
Box 7 The legal disqualifications box must be checked If “Yes” is checked the person cannot register
Box 8 Point out the signature affirmation warning
Box 8 Signature Affirmation By signing the card the person affirms: All information is correct They are a United States citizen At least 18 on the day of the Election Residing at the listed address in Idaho and in the County for 30 days With Legal Disqualifications Box 7 checked “No”
Box 8 Instruct the registrant to sign and date the completed registration form
Check Check Check Check all 8 boxes Make sure Election Day Registration forms are legible, accurate and complete
Proof of Residence The Election Day registrant must provide proof of residence Any documents used in providing proof of residence must be accompanied with a picture identification card
Acceptable Proof of Residence A current Idaho driver’s license or Idaho identification card with current residence address or A picture identification card and any document which contains a valid current address
Acceptable Documents If accompanied with a photo identification: Current utility bill Bank statement Government check Paycheck Or other document with the registrant’s name and their current address in the precinct
College Student Verification Same as all registrants If claiming school address as residence may use: Current photo identification from a college in Idaho And Current student fee statement with valid address in the precinct
Stamp “Residence Verified” The Registration Judge must stamp completed registration card “Residence Verified” Use official “Residence Verified” stamp in a blank space on the front of the card
Do not cover voter information Return the card to the registrant and direct them to the Poll Book Clerk Residence Verified
Residence Verified by Poll Book Clerk “Residence Verified” If the card has not been stamped do not enter the name
Verify the card has been stamped “Residence Verified” Then write name and address in the poll book and “Election Day Registration” in the remarks column
Registrant Signs Poll Book Have the voter sign or put their mark on the line next to their name in the poll book Issue the Ballot
Review Registrant in correct precinct All 8 boxes are complete Proof of Residence and ID verified Card stamped “Residence Verified” Name & address entered in Poll Book “Election Day Registration” entered in remarks column Voter signed the poll book Ballot Issued
Review Training at
Preserving the integrity of Idaho Elections Thank You! For your commitment to following these critical legal procedures on behalf of all Idaho voters Ben Ysursa, Secretary of State