Alexander the Great’s Conquests Page 83 Warm Up: Alexander the Great Reading and Fill- In Sheet (Tape fill-in sheet here) Page 84 Class Work: Date: A B How did the conquests of Alexander the Great influence the cultures of Ancient Greece, Persia, and other neighboring civilizations? 1.Warm-Up/Collect Myths 2.Go over Warm-Up 3.ClassZone- Alexander the Great 4.Map Activity- Alexander the Great 5.Reflection WIO: Answer the assigned question in complete sentences. Minimum of 5 sentences for a response. Circles: Why do you think the Greeks were not supporters of Alexander the Great and his father? What would your opinion of them have been? Squares: Why do you think Alexander the Great was so successful in conquering so many civilizations? How was he different than other leaders we have talked about so far this year? Triangles: How do you think the conquests of Alexander the Great influenced the cultures of Ancient Greece, Persia, and other neighboring civilizations? Homework: Complete WIO with assigned question. (Circle, Square, Triangle)
Warm-Up Read the Alexander the Great Reading and complete the fill-in sheet. **Have your myth ready to turn in!!** Order of items in myth: 1.Title Page 2.Myth 3.Brainstorming (Shapes Sheet) 4.Rubric
Alexander the Great Notes—TAPE ON 83 for Warm-Up Alexander was a prince, the son of the king of Macedonia, Philip II. Macedonia was not a Greek city-state. It was a country north of Greece. Aristotle was a teacher of Alexander, and he taught Alexander to greatly respect the Greek way of life. Alexander spoke Greek, knew Greek history, and believed in the Greek gods. Alexander was taught, by his father, to be a ruler, warrior, and a leader of men. Alexander the Great was taught that his job was to expand the Macedonian Empire, and always rule with a firm hand. Philip II had conquered most of the Greek city-states, including Sparta, by the time Alexander came to power. The Greeks hated Philip II, Alexander’s father, because of his harsh and unfair treatment, and when Alexander came to power they hated him too, even though Alexander let the Greeks manage their own city-states. The Greeks were Alexander’s worst enemy.
Alexander went on to conquer other Mediterranean cultures easily, including Egypt. Everywhere Alexander went he introduced Greek culture, including literature, myth, dance, language, money, medicine, art, and theater. He always allowed conquered people to run their own country as long as they were loyal to Alexander. If people refused to give Alexander their loyalty, they were killed. Alexander never lost a battle, and he had conquered the entire known world in the Mediterranean region. The empire stretched all the way to the Indus River.
Watch the ClassZone Animation! Complete the fill-in notes sheet about Alexander’s conquests Tape this on page 84 ClassZone Animation Alexander the Great
1. Alexander the Great took the throne at age 20, and he expanded his empire to include all of Greece, Egypt, Persia, and parts of India. 2. Alexander’s first step in conquering was to unite Greece under his rule. Then he moved on to Anatolia in Persia. 3. Alexander turned south and went to conquer Egypt, which was ruled by Persia. The Egyptians welcomed him and he took Egypt under his rule. 4. Alexander the Great captured Babylon and the Persian capital Persepolis. He was crowned king of Asia. 5. By conquering Persia, Alexander had accomplished his goals. However, he continued his conquests, and 5 years later he reached the Indus River Valley. 6. Alexander wanted to continue pushing east, but his soldiers begged him to return to Greece because they had been marching for over a decade. (10 years) They had little food and the march back across the desert was difficult. 7. The army and Alexander stopped to rest in Babylon. Alexander was anxious to begin ruling his empire after having conquered most of the known world, but he died from a fever in Babylon and never got to rule his empire. Alexander the Great’s Conquests
Mapping Activity of Alexander’s Conquests 1.You will be working in partners to complete a mapping activity of Alexander the Great’s conquests. I will put you in partners. 2.You will need a dry erase marker, map, atlas, and direction sheet. 3.You will follow the directions, on the direction sheet, word for word to complete the activity. 4.I will be circulating the room and assessing your progress. You will receive a: = Excellent work following directions and working as a team = Sufficient job following directions and workings as a team = Not following directions and not working as a team
Answer the following questions in complete sentences on a separate sheet of notebook paper. You will turn this in to me. 1.Were the directions, for this activity, easy for you to follow? 2.Were there any parts that you struggled to understand/complete? What parts? 3.What was the easiest part of the activity for you? 4.Did this activity help you to better understand how significant Alexander’s conquests were? Why or why not? Reflection
Answer the assigned question in complete sentences. Minimum of 5 sentences for a response. Circles: Why do you think the Greeks were not supporters of Alexander the Great and his father? What would your opinion of them have been? Squares: Why do you think Alexander the Great was so successful in conquering so many civilizations? How was he different than other leaders we have talked about so far this year? Triangles: How do you think the conquests of Alexander the Great influenced the cultures of Ancient Greece, Persia, and other neighboring civilizations? WIO - Homework