Chapter 5 Section 3 & 4 Ionia
Goals of Pericles: Strengthen Democracy Hold and Strengthen the Empire Glorify Athens Athenian Political Life Direct democracy Citizens rule directly, not through representatives Paid public officials, citizen juries, law-making assembly
Funeral Oration- Speech by Pericles Stressed rights and duties of citizenship Earliest expressions of democratic ideals Economic and Cultural Life Much prosperity Turned Athens into the cultural center of Greece
Peloponnesian League- to counter Delian League 431bc – 404bc: Sparta captures Athens Results: Ended Athenian domination But Athens still cultural center Democratic government suffered Corruption, self interest replaced ideal of service to the state Much warfare among the city-states
Phillip II- ruler of Macedonia Father of Alexander Conquers Greece 338bc Alexander becomes ruler when Phillip dies Conquers Persian empire by 331bc Establishes empire from Greece to Egypt and India Legacy: Spread of Greek culture – most lasting achievement Founded Hellenistic Civilization Blending of eastern and western cultures Alexandria- heart of Hellenistic world Great center of learning Great opportunities for women