in room 12
Small in size compared to megabats Small eyes Big ears Use echolocation
Eat insects, blood, fish, lizards, or small birds. can eat 1000 mosquitoes in one hour The smallest bat is the Hog-Nosed Bat also called the Bumblebee Bat weighs less than a penny Live worldwide except in Antarctica Most bats are microbats
1) Bats make high pitched beeping sounds Humans cannot hear these sounds 2) Sound waves hit objects around the bat 3) The sounds bounce back to the bat as echoes the bat can tell what kind and where the insect is They also use echolocation to avoid flying into things like trees.
Large in size Bigger eyes Do not use echolocation They use their eyes instead Smaller ears than microbats Usually eat fruit
Megabats live in tropical areas Are called “Flying Foxes” Can have a wingspan that is 6 feet wide. That is bigger than Miss. Reimers!