A GENDA Status of MIS / EBT Implementation Rollout Schedule Change Management – Preparing WIC Families Card Branding - Naming Status of EBT card art WIC Director/Supervisor Task Force Participant Education Toolkit 9/25/20142
S TATUS OF I MPLEMENTATION C ERES Department of Health IT and DII working on setting up servers for installation of Ceres State staff finalizing the configuration of Ceres – e.g. Loading all types of breast pumps into the inventory lists – DOs only will have to enter serial numbers Loading all referral organizations – Thanks for the great efforts on the workbooks! Finalizing set up of new food packages, loading more of the approved formulas and food items Creating schema for security roles; will assign roles to individual WIC staff members and load all staff members 9/25/20143
S TATUS OF I MPLEMENTATION EBT Ciber (the Ceres contractor) and Xerox (the EBT contractor) preparing to test connectivity between the two systems (sending and receiving messages) Xerox beginning to make contact with all of our authorized grocers to determine how to ready them for eWIC. Priority to chains Next priority is independents in Rutland (pilot) A reminder about “integrated” versus “stand-beside” grocer systems 9/25/20144
OrderMonth/YearLocal Agency PilotMay 2015Rutland 2October 2015Bennington 3October 2015Springfield 4November 2015Brattleboro 5November 2015White River 6December 2015St. Johnsbury 7January 2016Newport 8January 2016Morrisville 9February 2016St. Albans 10February 2016Burlington 11March 2016Barre 12March 2016Middlebury R OLL O UT – THE TENTATIVE SCHEDULE 9/25/20145
“Branding” the WIC EBT Card Keep it simple; use what families will call it Feedback from Massachusetts eWIC Art work: will be different from the Ceres Logo. Proposals will be circulated to DOs to get participant feedback. C HANGE M ANAGEMENT : P REPARING WIC F AMILIES 9/25/20146
A toolkit for use by all DOs to prepare clinics and participants for WIC EBT Based on successful models used in other states that recently implemented eWIC (“eWIC” is the name being used nationally by WIC agencies, to differentiate from SNAP and other EBT programs) Focus of Vermont participant/staff education is: Change from home delivery to retail shopping – more food choices Change from POD to eWIC and the card P ARTICIPANT E DUCATION P LANS V ERMONT E WIC R EADINESS T OOLKIT (VERT) 9/25/20147
Includes: Timelines – a schedule to tailor to your roll-out dates Checklists of activities to complete – keyed to the timeline, with resources to support Webinars for staff – to support the activities Poster and flyer templates and ideas RCN monthly meetings will continue to provide general support to DO preparations and share knowledge Kit will be ready by January for Rutland to “pilot” – feedback will be incorporated for rollout DO version. VT E-WIC R EADINESS T OOLKIT 9/25/20148
Will be created in next month Objective: to plan how DOs will Carry out participant notifications, education and conversion from home delivery to retail eWIC Move staff from a paper system to Ceres Handle scheduling of staff for pilot and roll-out Schedule clinic appointments to allow for conversion of participants from home delivery to eWIC (when to educate, how to distribute cards, 3-month nutrition ed options, etc) D IRECTOR /S UPERVISOR T ASK F ORCE 9/25/20149
N EXT RCN M EETING : O CTOBER 23 12:30 PM -1:30 PM If you will miss the meeting, please review the meeting materials and contact us with any questions and suggestions Lynne Bortree Jeanne Keller 9/25/201410