Health Education Kia Mana’o “Educate with Empathy and Equity; Expect Excellence.”
2 Desired Outcomes Develop a clear understanding of the content and use of the Health Standards Toolkit Plan ways to help schools understand the content and use of the Health Standards and toolkit.
3 Agreements Mutual Respect No Put Downs Attentive Listening Right to Pass & Participate
4 Glossary of Terms Benchmarks: Developmentally appropriate content knowledge and skills at specific grade levels or a cluster of grade levels. Content Standards: What a student should know and be able to do. Performance Indicators: Clearly linked to content standards. Descriptions of what must be included in the student work that meets the content standard.
5 Health Standards Build knowledge and skills through teaching 7 Health Education Standards 1.Core Concepts (Functional Knowledge) 2.Access Information, Products, and Services 3.Self-Management (practice healthy behaviors) 4.Analyze Internal & External Influences 5.Interpersonal Communication 6.Decision-Making & Goal Setting 7.Advocacy To promote healthy behaviors in the context of 7 Priority Risk / Content Areas 1.Injury & Violence Prevention 2.Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention 3.Sexual Health and Responsibility 4.Tobacco Use Prevention 5.Nutrition & Physical Activity 6.Mental & Emotional Health 7.Personal & Consumer Health
6 General Learner Outcomes Ability to be responsible for one’s own learning Ability to be involved in complex thinking and problem solving Ability to recognize quality performance and produce quality products Ability to communicate effectively Ability to use a variety of technologies effectively and ethically Ability to work well with others
7 RIGORRELEVANCE RESPECT & RELATIONSHIPS - Tony Wagner, Making the Grade, 2003.
8 Vision of the Public School Graduate All public school graduates will: Realize their goals and aspirations Have attitudes, knowledge and skills to contribute positively to and compete in a global society Exercise rights and responsibilities of citizenship Pursue higher education or careers without need for remediation
9 The goal of Health Education is to empower learners to act by promoting and protecting their health and advocating for the health of others.
10 Health Toolkit Scope & Sequence 1.What risk/content area is included in every grade level? What are some skills the students will address ? 2.At what grade level does the Tobacco risk/ content area begin? Why? 3.At what grade does Advocacy begin? Why? 4.At what level does the risk/content area of Sexual Health begin? What are some skills the students will address?
11 INSTRUCTIONAL GUIDE, Grade 2 Standard 1, Core Concepts: Students comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention. BENCHMARKS K- 3 PERFORMANCE INDICATORS SAMPLE ASSESSMENT TASK SAMPLE INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGY Describe ways to help others promote and protect their own health. The student: Cites health- enhancing behaviors in risk/content areas (e.g., exercise, diet) Cites examples of health concepts that enhance personal health (e.g., short- term and long-term benefits and consequences). Make a plan, listing steps for safe behaviors in new or dangerous situations. Plans should be practical and include sequential steps that demonstrate safe outcomes. Discuss new or dangerous situation with students (e.g., crossing the streets by themselves, riding bicycles away from home, ocean swimming, etc.).
12 Health Toolkit Performance Indicators TASK: Second Grade Class Safety Plan GOAL: Safely cross the street. PLAN: Step 1:________________________________________ Step 2:________________________________________ Step 3: _______________________________________
13 Standard 1, Core Concepts: Students comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention. BENCHMARKS, K – 3 GRADE K PERFORMANCE INDICATOR GRADE 1 PERFORMANCE INDICATOR GRADE 2 PERFORMANCE INDICATOR GRADE 3 PERFORMANCE INDICATOR Identify short- and long-term benefits and consequences associated with the content areas. Describe actions individuals can take to promote and protect their own health. Describe ways to help others promote and protect their health. The student: Recognizes health-enhancing behaviors in risk / content areas. Recognizes health concepts that enhance personal health. The student: Identifies health- enhancing behaviors in risk / content areas. Recognizes possible examples of health concepts that enhance personal health. The student: Cites health- enhancing behaviors in risk / content areas. Cites examples of health concepts that enhance personal health. Identifies general health concepts accurately in selected health- risk areas. Identifies and cites the relationships between behavior and health. The student: Identifies and gives ways to help others promote and protect their health. Identifies short- and long-term benefits and consequences associated with risk/ content areas. Cites general health concepts accurately in selected health-risk areas. Shows similarities and differences in the relationships between behavior and health.
14 Health Toolkit Now What? What are ways YOU can utilize the Health Standards Toolkit?
15 Health Toolkit For More Information…. Contact: Your District Health & PE Resource Teacher Honolulu: Dave Randall Central: Windward: Lisa Miyashiro Leeward: Vicki Kloetzel Kauai: Deron Doi Maui: Richard Young East Hawaii: Eileen Wagatsuma West Hawaii: Sandy Daniels
16 Ours Is A broader vision A greater potential A brighter hope A warmer feeling A challenging mission -Superintendent Patricia Hamamoto
17 URL for the Extended Core URL for the Extended Core