Figure 1: Dynamic of ozone in the stratosphere. Data obtained from SBUV sensor on board of Nimbus-7 spacecraft. (Credits: NASA. Studying Earth's Environment From Space. October 2006.)
Figure 2: This is an image of Earth's polar stratospheric clouds. These clouds are involved in the creation of Earth's ozone hole
Figure 3: Measurements of ozone depth in the Halley Bay station. (with permission Dr. Glenn Carver, Univ. of Cambridge, 2006, see references)
Figure 4: Results of ozone depth for period: , from TOMS sensor. Units are Dobson units. (Credits: NASA. Studying Earth's Environment From Space. October 2006)
Figure 5: Part a) Antartic ozone minimum by means of TOMS. Part b) Average area of ozone hole by means of TOMS. (Credits from Ozone Processing Team. NASA/GSFC)
Figure 6: Part a) The depth of the ozone hole is the lowest ozone column value in Dobson Units for latitudes below 30º south. Part b) The size of the ozone hole is the area on the globe in million square km of ozone column values below 220 DU. (credits: PROMOTE and TEMIS projects, with permission)
Figure 7: 10 years of ozone hole monitoring by GOME and SCIAMACHY. (Credits: DLR)
Figure 8. Principle of measurement of GOMOS: Comparison of stellar spectrum before and after atmospheric influence. (GOMOS Product Handbook, ©ESA / Denmann Productions, Envisat satellite, artist's impression)
Figure 9. Logarithmic graph of the erythematic action coefficient (McKinlay and Diffey, 1987)
Figure 10. Ozone transmittance and erythematic action. Spectral erythematic irradiance for different total ozone thickness values (Credits: Calle, et al, 2000)
Figure 11: Erythematic Irradiance maps for summer in Spain. (Credits: Calle, 1997)
Figure 12: Erythemal spectral exposure (KJ/m 2 ) for July. (credits: NASA. Studying Earth's Environment From Space. October 2006.) NASA-GSFC)
Figure 13: Radiometer BIOMETER 501 installed at CIBA. Dpt. Applied Physics University of Valladolid (Credits: Calle 1997). Its spectral response to UV radiation is the proposed by McKinley and Diffey.