Local Context: Review of the city’s GHG inventory Applying scientific thinking in the service of society
Map of Durban The City of Durban extends over km 2 Total population: +/- 3.5 million The City generates a GDP of approximately: R 255 billion Is the 3 rd largest economic area in South Africa Figure 1: Map of the eThekwini Municipal Area
CO 2 e emissions and energy consumption per sector (2007) Figure 2: Emissions and energy consumption per sector, Antoni, 2007 Total: 22,5 million tCO 2 e Per capita: 6.86 tCO 2 e
Industrial and commercial sector Figure 3: Percentage of industrial emissions by fuel/energy type, Antoni (2007)
Industrial and commercial sector (cont.) Table 1: Electricity consumption and related CO 2 e emissions from the 20 highest electricity consumers
Industrial and commercial sector (cont.) Table 2: Coal consumption for the City of Durban by sector (2002)
Industrial and commercial sector (cont.) Table 3: GDP, CO 2 e emissions, energy consumption, energy intensity and carbon intensity for economic sub-sectors
Transport Fastest growing contributor to emissions 2 nd largest CO2e emitter (25% of total emissions) Total emissions : t CO2e Key driver : GDP/capita
Residential sector
Local authority emissions The local authority sector contributes approximately 5% to the city’s total emissions The highest CO 2 e emitter in this sector is other which includes electricity losses due to theft and distribution
Findings Key energy type – electricity Key sector – industrial Highest energy subsectors – petroleum, chemical and rubber products, wood and wood products and food and beverages Transport is the fastest growing sector
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