Limsoon Wong Laboratories for Information Technology Singapore From Informatics to Bioinformatics
What is Bioinformatics?
Themes of Bioinformatics Bioinformatics = Data Mgmt + Knowledge Discovery Data Mgmt = Integration + Transformation + Cleansing Knowledge Discovery = Statistics + Algorithms + Databases
Benefits of Bioinformatics To the patient: Better drug, better treatment To the pharma: Save time, save cost, make more $ To the scientist: Better science
From Informatics to Bioinformatics Integration Technology (Kleisli) Cleansing & Warehousing (FIMM) MHC-Peptide Binding (PREDICT) Protein Interactions Extraction (PIES) Gene Expression & Medical Record Datamining (PCL) Gene Feature Recognition (Dragon) Venom Informatics years of bioinformatics R&D in Singapore ISS KRDL LIT
Data Integration A DOE “impossible query”: For each gene on a given cytogenetic band, find its non-human homologs.
Data Integration Results sybase-add (#name:”GDB",...); create view L from locus_cyto_location using GDB; create view E from object_genbank_eref using GDB; select #accn: g.#genbank_ref, #nonhuman-homologs: H from L as c, E as g, {select u from as u where not(u.#title string-islike "%Human%") andalso not(u.#title string-islike "%H.sapien%")} as H where c.#chrom_num = "22” andalso g.#object_id = c.#locus_id andalso not (H = { }); Using Kleisli : Clear Succinct Efficient Handles heterogeneity complexity
Data Warehousing Motivation efficiency availabilty “denial of service” data cleansing Requirements efficient to query easy to update. model data naturally {(#uid: , #title: "Homo sapiens adrenergic...", #accession: "NM_001619", #organism: "Homo sapiens", #taxon: 9606, #lineage: ["Eukaryota", "Metazoa", …], #seq: "CTCGGCCTCGGGCGCGGC...", #feature: { (#name: "source", #continuous: true, #position: [ (#accn: "NM_001619", #start: 0, #end: 3602, #negative: false)], #anno: [ (#anno_name: "organism", #descr: "Homo sapiens"), …] ), …)}
Data Warehousing Results Relational DBMS is insufficient because it forces us to fragment data into 3NF. Kleisli turns flat relational DBMS into nested relational DBMS. It can use flat relational DBMS such as Sybase, Oracle, MySQL, etc. to be its update-able complex object store. ! Log in oracle-cplobj-add (#name: "db",...); ! Define table create table GP (#uid: "NUMBER", #detail: "LONG") using db; ! Populate table with GenPept reports select #uid: x.#uid, #detail: x into GP from aa-get-seqfeat-general "PTP” as x using db; ! Map GP to that table create view GP from GP using db; ! Run a queryto get title of select x.#detail.#title from GP as x where x.#uid = ;
Epitope Prediction Results Prediction by our ANN model for HLA-A11 29 predictions 22 epitopes 76% specificity Rank by BIMAS Number of experimental binders 19 (52.8%) 5 (13.9%) 12 (33.3%) Prediction by BIMAS matrix for HLA-A*1101
Transcription Start Prediction
Transcription Start Prediction Results
Medical Record Analysis Looking for patterns that are valid novel useful understandable
Gene Expression Analysis Classifying gene expression profiles find stable differentially expressed genes find significant gene groups derive coordinated gene expression
Medical Record & Gene Expression Analysis Results PCL, a novel “emerging pattern’’ method Beats C4.5, CBA, LB, NB, TAN in 21 out of 32 UCI benchmarks Works well for gene expressions Cancer Cell, March 2002, 1(2)
Protein Interaction Extraction “What are the protein-protein interaction pathways from the latest reported discoveries?”
Protein Interaction Extraction Results Rule-based system for processing free texts in scientific abstracts Specialized in extracting protein names extracting protein- protein interactions
Behind the Scene Vladimir Bajic Vladimir Brusic Jinyan Li See-Kiong Ng Limsoon Wong Louxin Zhang Allen Chong Judice Koh SPT Krishnan Huiqing Liu Seng Hong Seah Soon Heng Tan Guanglan Zhang Zhuo Zhang and many more: students, folks from geneticXchange, MolecularConnections, and other collaborators….